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Author:  Leigh [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Python

ello fellow gimp users. I just installed python (with the help of rod). I followed every instruction on the page to the letter and I got nada that I understand. I have a python listing under scripts, but the only thing under that is console. hoping someone can help with this please? I am running gimp 2.6.11 and windows vista home premium. :tyspin

Author:  dinasset [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

python "per se" just provides the console and the support for .py plug-ins; if you have plug-ins in python pointed to by gimp (remember, .py are plug-ins, not scripts), you should see, normally under Filters

Author:  Leigh [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

there were supposed to be "fog" and "clouds" I believe....

Author:  dinasset [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

lens_with_border.7z [1.54 KiB]
Downloaded 137 times

just for a simple test I attach here a simple .py plug-in
unzip it, put it in a folder under users/you/.gimp-2.x/python-tests
open gimp
edit > preference > folders > plug-ins
add as a new folder to point to the one you just created (python-tests)
close gimp
reopen it and you see the lens_with_border plug-in under Filters/Distorts

Author:  Rod [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

Hi Leigh. If you look under Filters>Render>Clouds do you see Fogify? If you do click it and it will open. You must have a new document or a image open first. This Fogify script is a python filter.
All python or .py files you download for GIMP should be placed in your USERNAME/.gimp-2.6/plug-ins folder and you will have to RESTART GIMP each time you add a new Python filter/filters to the plug-in folder. GIMP will restart and initialize the new filter. When you download new filters make sure to read the install instructions and that should tell you where to find it in the GIMP menu list. Remember that because you are using a OLDER version of GIMP some Python scripts will not work for you. I strongly advise to install GIMP-2.8.10 from the website. Then you can use them all (Python filters). All GIMP-2.8 versions come with Python already set to go for you. And they auto detect your bit system (32 or 64).

Either way enjoy your new Python setup. :) :ninja

Author:  Leigh [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

its there. thank you for your help. I didnt know that it came in the new version of gimp, either. I'm waiting on a new comp before I load this one with more gimp crap... lol.. I already have sooo much on here... phew

and there is no fogify... pretty sure I put everything in the right folder.. thanks anyway

Author:  ofnuts [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

Actually it's "Filters/Render/Clouds/Fog...".

Also, in your Gimp profile directory (c:\users\your_id\.gimp-2.6) there is a "pluginrc" file that you can open with a text editor. See if it references any ".py" files.

Author:  K1TesseraEna [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

dinasset wrote:
remember, .py are plug-ins, not scripts

.py addons written in Python scripting language either for Gimp or Blender, Cinema 4d, Maya, 3ds Max are scripts, not plugins.
The fact that they have to be in gimp 'plug-ins' folder doesn't make them plugins.

Author:  ofnuts [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

K1TesseraEna wrote:
dinasset wrote:
remember, .py are plug-ins, not scripts

.py addons written in Python scripting language either for Gimp or Blender, Cinema 4d, Maya, 3ds Max are scripts, not plugins.
The fact that they have to be in gimp 'plug-ins' folder doesn't make them plugins.

Technically you can do a lot more with Python than with Scheme. Some of the python files are full plug-ins. Take a look at, it is a full-fledged file open/save plugin. But of course most python files don't do much more than scripts.

Author:  K1TesseraEna [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

ofnuts wrote:
Technically you can do a lot more with Python than with Scheme. Some of the python files are full plug-ins. Take a look at, it is a full-fledged file open/save plugin. But of course most python files don't do much more than scripts.

Correct. I've never said that Python is just a scripting language. The whole applications with complicated GUI can be core coded using only Python programming language, take Blender for example. What we're dealing with in gimp are mostly scripts running in Python interpreter.

Author:  dinasset [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Python

K1TesseraEna wrote:
dinasset wrote:
remember, .py are plug-ins, not scripts

.py addons written in Python scripting language either for Gimp or Blender, Cinema 4d, Maya, 3ds Max are scripts, not plugins.
The fact that they have to be in gimp 'plug-ins' folder doesn't make them plugins.

Well, K1, we are in Gimp-chat, and I was talking to one Gimp novice, so for me it is obvious that any comment should be relevant to Gimp, not to software theory, and for Gimp python scripts are to be considered plug-ins, not to make errors in pointing to them; that's it.

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