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scripts and plugins

Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:01 pm

I have been using Gimp for Photo editing for some 8 years and I have collected a lot of scripts and plugins that I never use. Is removing them potentially harmful ? How should one proceed safely ?
Regards, gpzt

Re: scripts and plugins

Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:13 pm

Do not remove any from your share folder. Those are the default Gimp scripts and plug-ins. Open your gimp-2.8.xx/user folder and delete the ones you dont want from there. eg. Scripts... Plug-ins folders

Re: scripts and plugins

Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:33 pm

gpzt wrote:Hi!
I have been using Gimp for Photo editing for some 8 years and I have collected a lot of scripts and plugins that I never use. Is removing them potentially harmful ? How should one proceed safely ?
Regards, gpzt

You may want to consider GURM (GIMP Uniform Resource Manager) and only open the ones through it's script manager that you want for a certain GIMP session.

Re: scripts and plugins

Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:47 pm

You can remove the scripts and plug-ins, Gimp reconstructs the lists of available scripts/plug-ins on startup. If you are afraid to do something, just create "shadow" directories, one for each of plug-ins and scripts directories, and move the files to the shadow directory. When you have confirmed that everything is fine, empty the shadow, otherwise move back.
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