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Problem with a script-fu

Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:45 am

I want to convert files with the extension .png to .gbr format on batch. To do that I used a script found on the web: brush-batch.scm. This one does not work on my computer that is why I used it to create a new one. My code is lauching but it stops during loading file.
If you can help me to understand why that could be great.

This is my code:
(define (convert-pngtogbr load name location)

(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0))
(gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255))
(let* (
(filelist (cadr (file-glob (string-append load "\\*.png") 1)))
(s 1)
(while filelist
(let* (
(loadfile (car filelist))
(image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE loadfile loadfile)))
(set! drawable (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))
(set! filename2 (string-append location "/" name ".gbr"
(file-gbr-save 1 image drawable filename2 name 15 name))
(set! s (+ s 1))
(gimp-image-delete (car image))
(set! filelist (cdr filelist))))
(script-fu-register "convert-pngtogbr"
"Convert png to gbr"
"Juin 2016"
SF-DIRNAME "Load from" ""
SF-STRING "Brush Name" "name"

Thank you very much
Best regards

Re: Problem with a script-fu

Tue Jun 14, 2016 11:24 am

It's so much easier to read if you put it in [ code ] tags:
(define (convert-pngtogbr load name location)
  (gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0))
  (gimp-context-set-background '(255 255 255))
      (filelist (cadr (file-glob (string-append load "\\*.png") 1)))
      (s 1)
    (while filelist
          (loadfile (car filelist))
          (image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE loadfile loadfile)))
        (set! drawable (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))
        (set! filename2 (string-append location "/" name ".gbr"))
        (file-gbr-save 1 image drawable filename2 name 15 name)
      (set! s (+ s 1))
      (gimp-image-delete (car image))
      (set! filelist (cdr filelist))

(script-fu-register "convert-pngtogbr"
"Convert png to gbr"
"Juin 2016"
SF-DIRNAME "Load from" ""
SF-STRING "Brush Name" "name"

I've not tried it, but one obvious problem is that you've not defined drawable or filename2 before using them.


Re: Problem with a script-fu

Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:28 am

Thank you for your information about code tag. I will use it now.

filename2 is defined as that:
(set! filename2 (string-append location "/" name ".gbr"))

and drawable as that:
(set! drawable (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))

The problem seems to come from uploading file. On the screen, the dialog box closes at that time.

Thank you

Best regards

Re: Problem with a script-fu

Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:21 am

tahoser wrote:Thank you for your information about code tag. I will use it now.

filename2 is defined as that:
(set! filename2 (string-append location "/" name ".gbr"))

and drawable as that:
(set! drawable (gimp-image-get-active-drawable image))


You have to define something BEFORE you use set!

otherwise you get this:
> (set! fred 1)
Error: set!: unbound variable: fred


Re: Problem with a script-fu

Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:21 am

OK. Do you have an example?
I join the code I used because I did not understand where and how I have to do what you said.

Thank you
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