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Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sat Dec 07, 2019 10:49 am

Only for beginners and lazy people...
It allows you to quickly create 81 types of envelopes (9 Top envelope path x 9 Bottom envelope path) that reference text bending (the rest are fountains...).

For full capabilities please use plugin ofn-bend-path.py https://sourceforge.net/projects/gimp-p ... s/scripts/
(this plugin requires its installation - uses the default settings non-interactively).

In menu GIMP:
File/Create/Logos/Bend Text-Logo...

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sat Dec 07, 2019 1:20 pm

Thank you so much, MareroQ for your script. I'll test it as soon as I can. :tyspin

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sat Dec 07, 2019 3:14 pm

Since 2.10 you can also use the "Stroke line" with the API (with the huge benefit of getting sharp corners). Of course this adds another boatload of options :)

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sat Dec 07, 2019 3:36 pm

Thanks Ofnuts. :tyspin
Thanks MareroQ :tyspin
It's been quick and nice to get the result. :cool

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sat Dec 07, 2019 4:26 pm

This is great for like you said "Beginners and or Lazy people". I prefer total control and choose to do it manually like this example I've posted previously....


Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sat Dec 07, 2019 10:00 pm

thankyou4.jpg (154.44 KiB) Viewed 6895 times
Thank you Ofnuts and MareroQ for this great plug-in.
Great fun to be had with this.

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:42 am

What a great idea and such a timesaver ! :jumpclap

The envelope library should be integrated into the standard version of ofn-bend-path !

I found a small bug: the line symbol doesnt show up in 2.8 (its okay in 2.10).

Bug.png (24.54 KiB) Viewed 6884 times

It would be really neat if the script would appear in the Repeat Filter (CTRL + F) menu.
Often it takes a couple of tries to get the effect right and navigating through the menu every time is so cumbersome.

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sun Dec 08, 2019 6:42 am

Thank you all for the trials and opinions.
I am glad that my laziness (yes - because I prefer to use plugins if it is possible) brought a little satisfaction to others.

Probably all plugs located in File/Create/Logos cannot be repeated - because they create something from nothing (I will analyze it)

- changed the symbol for A straight line (I wonder if this Unicode symbol will work?),
- added turtle paths (expertly: "Presentation form for vertical left/right tortoise shell bracket" - I wonder who came up with such a beautiful name)
- add Metalic Efect

I really like the decoration options with:
Custom Font Metallic Effects for Gimp 2.10 by Skinnyhouse.

While trying to integrate Mettalic into Bend Text-Logo (because I just wanted to select some options due to the size of the plugin window) I tried again the interactive invocation option.

The very good news in Gimp 2.10.14 for Win10_64bit is that the python plugin can interactively call another python plugin (I don't know when it was changed and whether it works with Linux - someone can confirm this or have more information?).
This was the problem I discussed with Ofnuts - then no luck.

May this possibility not only be a mistake (and worked for everyone) - because it creates huge new possibilities now.


Ofnuts explained it
RUN_INTERACTIVE it works only if the image parameter is None
(then I had to make a mistake - it didn't work)

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sun Dec 08, 2019 2:57 pm

Thank You.jpg
Thank You.jpg (200.5 KiB) Viewed 6810 times

I tried to add the metallic effects in 2.10.12 but could not get it too work so must just be a 2.10.14
thing. Either way, very nice filter. It will be used!

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:43 pm

Hi Pat625

This should work for 2.10.12 - did you set the "Apply filter to custom font file" = No parameter?
(from the effect I see that probably Yes - but Metallic Effects is a filter very extensive in parameters - you will certainly find satisfactory...)
Bad news for users Gimp-2.8 "Custom_Font_Metallic_Effects_003.py" doesn't work
(procedure not found: pdb.gimp_drawable_edit_fill, pdb.gimp_drawable_edit_clear, gimp_drawable_edit_gradient_fill)

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 1:08 am

The plug in is okay. When using the with brush and Foreground Color option, the result is the brush color covering the text, when it shouldn't be happening. I am using gimp 2.10.14 windows 10 64 bit.

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 1:54 am

You can change the order of layers (without "Flatten layers").
"Stroke brush" is on a separate layer - move it down (under "Fill Pattern").

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:13 am

MareroQ wrote:You can change the order of layers (without "Flatten layers").
"Stroke brush" is on a separate layer - move it down (under "Fill Pattern").

Flattening the layer is useless if you can't see the text since it is being covered by the brush. The plugin should execute the text using the brush and the foreground color.. flattened or not. The brush shouldn't be covering the text.

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:33 am

This is how drawing by selection works.
It won't cover if you change the order of layers - have you tried it?

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:43 am

MareroQ wrote:This is how drawing by selection works.
It won't cover if you change the order of layers - have you tried it?

Yes, I've tried it. It's still an okay plugin. I like it.

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:47 am

@ Pat625

Only now I see an error
(something is wrong with the interactive call - 3 parameters are missing)

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:14 am

Thanks Mareroq :hugme
As a beginner and not lazy, ;) I'll borrow it for testing this afternoon.

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:30 am

I can't understand why the interactive call truncates the displayed 3 parameters and uses the default values (i.e. non-interactively) instead.
Until you solve the puzzle:

- The effect of custom metallic fonts has been suspended due to an interactive launch error
- Style added: Trumpet.
(I was looking for ideas for other Styles so I checked PaintDotNet: it has only 18 styles but one was missing in this plugin - "Trumpet" so it was added).

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:56 am

If i wanted a minimal version of this, which would be basically just an advanced version of ofn-bend-path with an envelope library, which parts of the codes do i have to delete ?

I dont want any Fill or Stroke options (too much clutter), no variable BG (white or transparency is fine) and always visible paths.
Like this:

Minimal Version.png
Minimal Version.png (44.79 KiB) Viewed 1738 times

Re: Bend Text-Logo as helper Ofn-bend-path

Mon Dec 09, 2019 6:41 am

Instead of describing - it's easier to delete what you don't need.

Text color=FG
I assumed that ofn-bend-path.py you want to call separately to use all options.
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