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Error when running Set Colormap script

Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:15 pm

In the Set Colormap script, when I click the Palette: Default button to set the replacement palette, I get the following error:

Plug-in "script-fu.exe"
(C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\script-fu\script-fu.exe)
attempted to install procedure "temp-procedure-number-8" with invalid parameter name "num colors".

Any idea how I might fix this error?

Re: Error when running Set Colormap script

Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:35 pm


This is a Gimp-2.10.16/18 error known for 2 months, not a script (*.scm) or plug-in (*.py) error.

1. Use Samj build (Gimp-2.10.19) with the bug fix:
https://samjcreations.blogspot.com/2020 ... -bits.html

2. Return to Gimp 2.10.14 and wait for Gimp 2.10.20.

3. Compile from sources 2.10.19 (it's not that difficult):
https://wiki.gimp.org/wiki/Hacking:Buil ... _MinGW-w64

4. If you use Gimp 2.10.18 with gimp.org use my gimp-2.10.exe file (replace the original file - after backup):
c:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.10.exe
Compared to the Samj version, this also fixes the bug:
and adds a Gimp browser for help files.
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