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Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:46 am

Onkel Hatti compiled larger preview Gimpressionist for Gimp-2.7.5 (23/03/2012) - but without giving the patch.

My solution:
In file gimpressionist.h (line 33)
#define PREVIEWSIZE     150

#define PREVIEWSIZE     550

Very easy once you know the way... :hehe

Edit - This might come in handy:
Gimpressionist preset collection

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:04 am

Thank you very much MarreroQ!

I'm on Windows, do i have to run your executable or I just have to copy it somewhere?

EDIT: Oh never mind, I copied it into the plugins sub-folder and it worked like a charm! Thanks again!

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:02 pm

How is Gimpressionist called? I did a search and came up empty.

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:13 pm

Filters -> Artistic -> GIMPressionist

I think it's a standard plugin: http://prntscr.com/tgfp1e

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:19 pm

Well it doesn't work in MX-Linux which is Debian based. No problem with other plugins however. Can anyone else confirm?

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:27 pm

Works well even in flatpak GIMP.
Thanks a lot @MareroQ

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:33 pm

racer-x wrote:Well it doesn't work in MX-Linux which is Debian based. No problem with other plugins however. Can anyone else confirm?

Probably if you run in terminal with verbose mode you will get ...can't find libexiv2.so.16 error because the version installed is libexiv2.so.14 same as 'buntu 18.04

Different in an appimage which (I think) is assembled in Manjaro linux where there is a glib version error.

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:42 pm

OK, can confirm it works in LM-20 Cinnamon (based on Ubunto 20.04) running AppImage. It will not run in MX-Linux 19.2 (based on Debian Buster 10), even while running AppImage.

gimpressionist.jpg (293.07 KiB) Viewed 5580 times

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:49 am

I just noticed that the preview distorts the aspect-ratio of the original, like so: http://prntscr.com/tgsiw8

Maybe not a big deal for this specific filter, but I thought I should let you know.

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:47 am

MareroQ, I have not yet put your Big Preview in the plugins because you say in your post # 1 that I must first replace in line 33 of the file "gimpressionist.h". I did not find this file in samj Gimp 2.10.15?

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:37 pm

@level_0 , I guess you misunderstood @MareroQ
He wrote what he changed in the sourcecode before compilation.
You as a user don't need to do it. You need the compiled plugin which you can download from his post

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:30 pm

nelo wrote:@level_0 , I guess you misunderstood @MareroQ
He wrote what he changed in the sourcecode before compilation.
You as a user don't need to do it. You need the compiled plugin which you can download from his post

Thank you nelo! :)
As MareroQ wrote "replace" and not "I replaced", Google translate translated by imperative and therefore I looked for a long time what was the file to open with Notepad ++ to modify the indicated line ... :hehe

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Oct 04, 2020 3:04 pm

How is this version installed? There should be a how to on gimpscripts.net

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:36 pm

MareoQ there is something in freetype that's been long awaited, The changing to a multi-line text widget as outlined by the TODO file

Multiline Text

Switch from GtkEntry to GtkText to enter text and add
simple stuff like left/right-aligned and centered. More
sophisticated stuff later.

I have no compiling environment at the moment but the file is on gitlab Freetype

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Mon Oct 05, 2020 2:56 am


These were plans that were never realized.
The development of gimp-fretype ended with version 0.6 (16 years ago).
A simple description of the change from: Switch from GtkEntry to GtkText requires a lot of code changes.
This change is simple for python-fu or script-fu - but not for "c" (a different datatype at least).
If someone changes this code I would like to try to compile.
The manual solution to the problem of multiple lines was well described by Paul Sherman:

I don't understand Your post.
Is this not sufficient instruction for You?

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:24 am

Same comment as migf1: I just noticed that the preview distorts the aspect-ratio of the original.
This was true also for the original small preview.
@MareroQ:any chance to get also this fixed?

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:24 am

Hi Diego.

Unfortunately not - you need a good coder.
Onkel Hatti - who first compiled with a larger preview, said it was a very complicated plugin.
The only active GimpChat member I know who knows "c" is GnuTux.

Re: Gimpressionist - Big Preview for Gimp-2.10.20

Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:37 am

Hope Gnutux reads this thread and -maybe- is willing to solve the problem.
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