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My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Mon May 17, 2021 1:56 am

Not having received additional concerns from my kind testers about the first 3 Easy Effects, I release them here to GC audience.
For examples of possible outcomes have a look at the thread My tests 2021: Easy Effects:

edit: EFFECT C removed
it doesn't deserve to be on the GC shelf

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, C

Mon May 17, 2021 3:17 am

Hi Diego,

My classification for A B and C...
Effect A XXXXX very good
Effect B XXXXX very good
Effect C mode direction XX could to my taste be clearer and reached XXX
Effect C mode magnitude XX because of the white edges and too much contrast, if you could correct them I will give XXX and perhaps XXXX

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, C

Mon May 17, 2021 4:26 am

Thanks Lula, I will carefully consider your comments.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, C

Mon May 17, 2021 1:30 pm

Tried some modifications to the filter: the resulting outcomes were considered worse by Lula (even if she didn't exactly say so).
So, no new release of Effect C.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, C

Mon May 17, 2021 2:37 pm

I think that much has to do with choosing the right images for each style, maybe.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, C

Mon May 17, 2021 2:38 pm


Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, C

Mon May 17, 2021 11:23 pm

Yes, Issabella, that's true, but in the case of Lula, also a different "taste" is in the game:
- I like (usually) dark outcomes, she does not
- When creating light outcomes (as for instance in my private attempts to meet her requirements) I like to have contrast (visible structure), she doesn't

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, C

Tue May 18, 2021 1:49 am

Yes Dinasset, It's true with regard to the dark but I like to keep the nuances of the colors but not by increasing the contrasts so strongly and the light tones because then the effect erase the colors...especially the skies. I had hoped for a light brightening while keeping a good contrast as the examples I gave you.

It is also true that the tastes and the colors cannot be discussed but then why ask us our opinion?

Finally, if the result does not please, everyone can adjust the image in their own way.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Tue May 18, 2021 2:24 pm

Why did you remove C? Issabella's post #6 is outstanding!

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Wed May 19, 2021 12:34 am

Yes it is, but it seems to be Issabella's magic.
Look at post #2.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Wed May 19, 2021 10:52 am

:hehe :tyspin

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Wed May 19, 2021 1:10 pm

dinasset, don't remove your C filter.
It's up to each user to refine the results obtained, either by the blending modes, opacity and then the Gimp filters depending on what you want, for example, soften if it's too granular, use the curves filter etc...
I remember I made a comment to you about the effect on a white cloud but then I thought I could tone it down.
It's like that for all filters.
With the Comic filter of CLI345 which is great, I "prepare" the image before, then I apply the filter and I follow with other filters.
Didn't have time to try it out but I'll get back to it.
Issabella :clap With C1 or C2?

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Wed May 19, 2021 4:03 pm

I strongly agree with Nidhogg and Level_0. Not everyone thinks the same, and not every photo will look great with each filter. I must work harder on some than others, but that is part of the process for everything. Yes, Issabella has magic with the filters that many of us do not. How should we learn if every thing is just perfect when the filter is finished? Please!! Do not reject Style C. I like playing and adjusting the layers after the filter has finished. Makes me feel that I have contributed in some way to the final outcome.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Wed May 19, 2021 4:17 pm

I am relieved to read all of you. I just sent a message to Diego asking him to keep the original C direction and Magnitude. All the attempts to improve what he had done only ended up making things worse. I had also suggested that everyone adapt the image to their own way.

We have indeed all the tools with Gimp.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Thu May 20, 2021 12:04 am

Thanks to Nidhogg, level_0 and Pat, but at this point I will not re-post C.
I did prepare a kind of C2 but last post of lula confirms my efforts were vain.
I care of the opinion of one of my followers-testers.
BTW level_0 and Pat (being also testers of my filters) have already C in their folders, if Nidhogg wants also to have it I will send it privately.
But no publications, neither of C nor of C2.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Thu May 20, 2021 1:26 am

:wvy Yesterday with C:




Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Thu May 20, 2021 1:46 am

Level, fantastic results in C Style. :coolthup :yes

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Thu May 20, 2021 1:51 am

I love Style C and Style C2. Both provide excellent results. Sometimes a photo gets beer results with a Style than other, but at the end the user decides according her/his own taste which one applies.

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Thu May 20, 2021 1:52 am

:bigthup :coolthup

Re: My filters 2021: Easy Effects: A, B, (C)

Fri May 21, 2021 1:50 am

Issabella wrote:I love Style C and Style C2. Both provide excellent results. Sometimes a photo gets beer results with a Style than other, but at the end the user decides according her/his own taste which one applies.

Issabella,I agree with you and sometimes I have a hard time deciding which result to put on GC because I like several. :)
With effect C



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