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The Pencil feature does not work...

Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:16 am

I am trying to use the Pencil feature.
When I open up a new jpg image I am able to use the Pencil feature.
However, after I use the Text feature, the pencil feature stops working. Nothing happens. Even when I go to Undo, it doesn't have the last Text event I have tried to execute, so it is not as if the Pencil feature is working, but only in the background, or in the same colour as the background, or just hidden etc...
Please can you tell me what I'm doing wrong. I hope I'm only being a numpty, but it's driving me nuts!
Many thanks,

Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:48 am

Have you made sure you do not have any selections other than where you are working. That you have the correct layer selected too.

Any selection even on another layer or outside of where you are working and it will not work. Also if you have the wrong layer selected it will work but on that layer not the one you intend. Remember the text is a layer on it's own as well.

Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Wed Sep 29, 2021 10:27 am

Hello Sallyanne,
Yes, you're right, I can see now that I am still inside the Text selection field.
This is probably a dumb question for you, but how do I get out of the Text selection field?
Many thanks,

Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Wed Sep 29, 2021 2:05 pm


I am having the exact same problem! I've just designed some business cards with a gradient layer plus image layers, with the last layer being a text layer and now all I want to do is add some basic lines using the pencil or paintbrush tool and it doesn't seem to show which is making me think it is not the correct layer. I am self taught through online tutorials but I cannot find the answer anywhere! Is anyone able to shed some light on this please.



Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:38 pm

Brizy12 wrote:Hello Sallyanne,
Yes, you're right, I can see now that I am still inside the Text selection field.
This is probably a dumb question for you, but how do I get out of the Text selection field?
Many thanks,

To get out of the text selection field either go back to your background layer or add another transparent layer on top and work on that one. (Depends if you want your other work to show over your text or not.) You can merge it down after you have done what you want to do - Dont 'flatten' it, merge it down. Flattening will take out any transparency you have.

Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Wed Sep 29, 2021 11:40 pm

Mel79 wrote:Hello,

I am having the exact same problem! I've just designed some business cards with a gradient layer plus image layers, with the last layer being a text layer and now all I want to do is add some basic lines using the pencil or paintbrush tool and it doesn't seem to show which is making me think it is not the correct layer. I am self taught through online tutorials but I cannot find the answer anywhere! Is anyone able to shed some light on this please.



Same as above Mel

Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Thu Sep 30, 2021 1:38 am

Your text layer is only as big as your text is.
So when you change the tool you are still on the (too small) text layer and try to draw where there is no layer.
Create a new (transparent) layer first, then draw and you should be fine.

Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:46 am

Thank you Nelo, you're right, but what a mission just to draw a simple line.
Best wishes,

Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Thu Sep 30, 2021 6:24 am

Thanks for your help Nelo & Sallyanne. I tried adding a 'new from visible' layer last night and it seemed to work but I'm not sure exactly what it does other than.


Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Thu Sep 30, 2021 6:28 am

I've also had a nightmare trying to draw a simple straight line even when I've added guidelines. I've tried holding down the cursor but it doesn't take the line to exactly where I want it to be. Not sure if anyone else has this much trouble!


Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Thu Sep 30, 2021 8:35 am

Click on your canvas then without moving your cursor yet, press the shift button and hold it down until you get the line in the place you want.

Also if you are using guides you can check in 'view' "Snap to guides" then, your line should snap to the closest guide. :)

Re: The Pencil feature does not work...

Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:52 am

Brizy12 wrote:Thank you Nelo, you're right, but what a mission just to draw a simple line.
Best wishes,

Keeping things on separate layers is the way Gimp is designed to work, because you can still change your mind later. If you work on a single layer, combining pixels is quick, but decombining them is nearly impossible.
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