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HELP: looking for page with old scripts

Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:23 pm

Hello friends got a new PC, lost my book marks. There was a Japanese site, I think, called yuku or something like that with a lot of old plug ins (script fu). Does any one know the URL to this site if it still exists. If not, does anyone have the scrips from that site? Thank you.

Re: HELP: looking for page with old scripts

Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:50 pm



If you need a specific filter, let us know so we can post them for you.

Also, Mahvin and MareroQ have the old and the new in their Gimpscripts site.

Re: HELP: looking for page with old scripts

Sat Oct 23, 2021 3:37 am

is the link to mahvin's new site with many of the old scripts, redone for use with 2.10 gimp and also some new ones.
They also have lists from the way back machine of the old site.
Pat is right, what you are looking for someone here may have and can post you a copy of theirs for you.
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