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Best version of Beautify fir GIMP 2.10

Sat Feb 05, 2022 5:44 pm

I read a lot about Beautify. I have it on 2.8. What is the recommended best version comparable to install on GIMP 2.10. Thank You.

Re: Best version of Beautify fir GIMP 2.10

Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:48 pm

Which version of 2.10 are you using? Apparently it worked in 2.10.22 but broke several things in 2.10.24.
It comes built-in in most 2.10 versions.
You also may have to tell us your OS.
I am on Windows 10 and have downloaded Gimp 2.10.30. Beautify is already built-in to it. You dont have to download it. Look in filters underneath alpha to logo. You may have to download more textures if anything at all.

You also may have to wait until the rest of the world wakes up to get a decent answer.

Re: Best version of Beautify fir GIMP 2.10

Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:57 am

gimpmannew wrote:I read a lot about Beautify. I have it on 2.8. What is the recommended best version comparable to install on GIMP 2.10. Thank You.

For me, I have gimp 2.10.30, on Windows 10. I downloaded it for the previous versions of gimp. For me with 2.10.30, it didn't come built in... I already had it and each time gimp would update, Beautify was already saved in my plugins folder within gimp on my hard drive. For me, Beautify is located Filters>Beautify.

Here is more on beautify: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=19756&hilit=Beautify (Post #2)

Re: Best version of Beautify fir GIMP 2.10

Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:39 am

try this link https://www.gimpscripts.net/search?q=beautify

Re: Best version of Beautify fir GIMP 2.10

Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:53 pm

sallyanne wrote:try this link https://www.gimpscripts.net/search?q=beautify

That's for borders and frames. There's more information here:
viewtopic.php?f=9&t=19756&hilit=Beautify (Post 2)
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