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GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Tue May 10, 2022 2:05 pm

September 16 2023 notice
To download GEGL Bevel's latest version. Please Download GEGL Effects binaries that I provided. It ships with bevel. The versions of GEGL bevel on Gimp chat's first page are very oudated and do not have the awesome new bevel features.

Download latest bevel binary and code here
https://github.com/LinuxBeaver/GEGL-Eff ... L/releases

or just grab the latest stand alone binaries here.

Everything below is original summer 2022 post

You don't need to use that late 90s bevel filter. Update to the modern GEGL bevel that I made. On Linux just put the .so file in /gegl-0.4/plugins . Windows and Mac have to compile. Enjoy the new GEGL filter.






Re: New GEGL FIlter to make bevels with GEGL.

Fri May 13, 2022 3:11 am

Version for Gimp-2.10.30 Win 64 Bit attached.

Re: New GEGL FIlter to make bevels with GEGL.

Fri May 13, 2022 4:54 am

Once unzipped, where to put it? (I'm using samj's package)

Re: New GEGL FIlter to make bevels with GEGL.

Fri May 13, 2022 5:11 am

In the directory ... \ lib \ gegl-0.4 \ (contains 37 * .dll files)

Re: New GEGL FIlter to make bevels with GEGL.

Fri May 13, 2022 6:53 am

MareroQ wrote:In the directory ... \ lib \ gegl-0.4 \ (contains 37 * .dll files)


Re: New GEGL FIlter to make bevels with GEGL.

Sat May 14, 2022 11:48 am

If you install GEGL Effects this comes included. YOu should not have two copies of the bevel or stroke in GEGL Plugins.

GEGL Bevel is more advance then the bevel operation included in GEGL Effects. It only includes one of GEGL:Bevel's options not all four of them.

Re: New GEGL FIlter to make bevels with GEGL.

Thu May 19, 2022 12:46 pm

https://github.com/LinuxBeaver/GEGL-Eff ... using-GEGL

the only way to now install gegl:bevel is to install gegl effects. It no longer has a stand alone github page.

Re: New GEGL FIlter to make bevels with GEGL.

Thu Sep 15, 2022 5:04 pm

Bevel is a filter its own and has shipped with GEGL Effects for a while now. In this update GEGL Effects calls GEGL Bevel correctly as opposed to using hidden ZZOperations. All hiddden ZZOperations in GEGL Effects are gone and it only requires three binaries. gegl:innerglow, gegl:bevel and gegl:effects

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:10 pm

GEGL-Effects (all 3 files) for Windows 64 attached.
Contains 3 dll files that need to be placed in your
C:\\Users\<YourName>\AppData\Local\Gegl-4.0\plugins folder and restart Gimp.

Inner Glow
GEGL Effects
GEGL Bevel

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:45 am


GEGL Bevel now has a guide.

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:13 pm

Thanks a lot. Sure it will be great help.
However I still have some problem as I don't have all options. They are installed but they aren't in the list of options.
I see this. Bevel isn't.
Thanks for any help u orientation about this.

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:08 pm

Issabella wrote:Thanks a lot. Sure it will be great help.
However I still have some problem as I don't have all options. They are installed but they aren't in the list of options.
I see this. Bevel isn't.
Thanks for any help u orientation about this.

Remove all duplicates of GEGL Effects. Literally just remove everything and replace them with the folder I setup
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... 6_2022.zip

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:27 pm

Thanks contrast,
I did that but when I tried to open Gimp a windows says this.
It won't let me open Gimp

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Mon Nov 07, 2022 6:46 pm

I will put my full attention into investigating this. Alien-map is a default filter that Gimp ships with. The only filter of mine that uses it is gegl:metallic and coincidentally gegl:chrome.

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Mon Nov 07, 2022 7:05 pm

I did test on a Windows 7 Virtual Box and could not replicate.

My guess is Metallic or Chrome is the problem as they are the only filters that use Alien Map. Make sure you don't have another version of Gimp that also contains GEGL-0.4 folder with plugins. It might be complaining about Alien Map because It is the first GEGL filter in alphabetical order. CHeck for Multiple gegl-04 folders with my plugins, and remove all but one.

Paste one filter dll at a time in GEGL Plugins, start GImp and see what happens and find the culprit. I will come back later to see if I can help you solve this.

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Mon Nov 07, 2022 7:34 pm

Based on the screenshot you sent earlier you have really outdated ZZ filters that I got rid of months ago. I think you have two /gegl-0.4/plug-ins folders and one contains a bunch of outdated stuff which needs to be entirely removed. Don't delete the folder just remove all the junk in it.

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Tue Nov 08, 2022 7:51 am

Issabella wrote:Thanks a lot. Sure it will be great help.
However I still have some problem as I don't have all options. They are installed but they aren't in the list of options.
I see this. Bevel isn't.
Thanks for any help u orientation about this.

Is your Gimp 32 bit? I had a similar problem with the PortableApps version of Gimp before installing the latest 64 bit version. Now it works nicely.


Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Tue Nov 08, 2022 10:09 am

Thanks Erisian. But not 32 bit version, it is 64 bit.
I've tried everything contrast has said and it won't let me even to start gimp, so I've already abandoned this matter.
Contrast, thanks for your help and interest to solve my problem. I removed every previous item in gegl 0.4 in each folder. Even in those copies for safe. It will always open that windows and I can't even open gimp.
Thanks a lot.

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Tue Nov 08, 2022 7:25 pm

So, did you at least try one at a time? Try removing all folders inside GEGL-04. Just fill it with DLL files and remove any non DLL files.

Re: GEGL Bevel (filter of its own but now ships with GEGL Effects)

Wed Nov 09, 2022 3:35 am

I tried everything. Tried to remove all the dll items to leave only one and it keeps getting the same warning window without allowing gimp to start.
Maybe it's too much to ask, but could someone using Gimp Portable 64 bit without problems send me their folder with all the Gegl 0.4 dll?
At least I could compare what I miss with them. Thank you so much.
Thanks, contrast.
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