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My new filter LineArtFramed (updated again)

Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:33 am

As you know, recently I did many attempts on working on G'MIC filters.
They were so far personal plays using as source the images of Aquilina108, on Deviant Art.
Issabella asked me to "formalize" a piece of code which could be tested by her, my traditional and very effective co-teamer in the past.
I agreed and prepared the LineArtFramed filter, in python as usual.
Today we both thought that the tests could have reached a reasonable state of stability, hence we decided together that it was time to release it.
It has been created with my old knowledges, so nothing new in the code; my brain is no more capable to absorb new coding capabilities; so, sorry in advance for the techniques.
The name of the filter is quite heterodox: real Line Art is something different.
Nevertheless I kept the name I gave to my code at the beginning, once started exploring the G'MIC filters set Contours.
So, here it is:
(4.22 KiB) Downloaded 33 times

Consider it as a simple divertissement to play with when annoyed.
As usual, the contribution of Issabella was determinant, first of all in coming out from my dolce_far_niente, and more important in performing a stress test to stabilize it.

Many many thanks to my dear friend Issabella! :jumpclap :jumpclap :clap :clap :gimp :gimp

last updated release at post # 6

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed

Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:36 am

Hi Diego.
Everything is very nice, but I missed the ability to change the color and thickness of the frame.
I added it myself so as not to bother You. :roll:

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed

Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:59 am

MareroQ wrote:Hi Diego.
Everything is very nice, but I missed the ability to change the color and thickness of the frame.
I added it myself so as not to bother You. :roll:

Thanks a lot.
I downloaded it, renamed with suffix M.
I'm going to apply some modifications to my base filter (you have already seen some examples on the other thread), so I will insert also yours when releasing my 1.01 .
Thanks :coolthup

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed (updated)

Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:32 am

As promised, I incorporated your additions in my updated release, which follows below.
Thanks again for your contribution.
I changes the use of the new parameters, as you will see looking into the code, to better meet my taste.
This release includes also many changes to the procedures, to improve the outcomes.

DIEGO_SIMPLEFILTERS_LineArtFramed (1.0.1).py.7z
(4.47 KiB) Downloaded 27 times

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed (updated)

Wed Jun 21, 2023 8:34 am

Look at the "Gimp Art" related thread for posting or seeing the outcomes obtained with the new release.

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed (updated again)

Thu Jul 06, 2023 5:08 am

The filter has been updated again.
- general improvements
- specific improvements for each maintained style
- removed the single styles when a double one is available, for instanca Prewitt X is no more available
- - for those use always the combo style, for instance Prewitt X+Y
- added a new experimental style, using Isophotes
- added the possibility to increase the visibility of the black lines (morpho erode)
- added the possibility to choose among different "intensities" of the final result

Here the new release:
(5.56 KiB) Downloaded 19 times

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed (updated again)

Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:50 pm

Also updated here:
https://www.gimpscripts.net/2023/06/lin ... diego.html

Sorry for some changes in the "Preview" versions (it has its requirements and limitations) and it's a bit different from the original version.
I like more control over the result - so I pulled some parameters from the plugin to the GUI.

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed (updated again)

Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:22 pm

MareroQ wrote:Also updated here:
https://www.gimpscripts.net/2023/06/lin ... diego.html

Sorry for some changes in the "Preview" versions (it has its requirements and limitations) and it's a bit different from the original version.
I like more control over the result - so I pulled some parameters from the plugin to the GUI.

Thanks a lot for the addition of the preview, very interesting.
Just one question:
does this version necessarily create the output on the original image?
In my filters I like to create a new image. Is it possible with your version? Thanks

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed (updated again)

Fri Jul 07, 2023 12:54 am

The 'Preview' can only work on the starting image.
The fun with this is keeping the layers in the correct order.
I always try (if possible or I don't forget about it :oops: ) to keep the original layer in 'Preview' versions (and this is the case here).

Re: My new filter LineArtFramed (updated again)

Fri Jul 07, 2023 1:39 am

Thanks for the clarifications.
Another point: please set your name in the author, besides mine, for all these important reasons:
- the code is now at least 30% done by you
- the modifications done (preview and frame) are relevant for the filter
- I am an obsolete coder and I am not able even to understand the added code, so if someone downloads the filter (hopefully they will be a lot) and sees that the author is only me, (s)he will address queries to me also for the part I do not understand, so I'll be very embarassed.
Thanks in advance.
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