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About namespaces in GEGL Plugins (old GEGL effects will break)

Tue Aug 29, 2023 12:01 pm

In July 2023 Gimp's team issued a public statement to make all new gegl plugins under a unique name space other then gegl:

So if anyone has noticed my new GEGL plugins lack icons in Gimp 2.10's GEGL operations and have a namespace lb: short for "linux beaver" This is not my choice as only (gegl:) name space plugins are given icons and Gimp and SVG name spaces are hidden from the GUI. I don't think it is possible to add icons.

431_Marble.jpg (45.93 KiB) Viewed 3698 times

Gimp has three default name spaces, with my additional third party name spaces listed below.

The defaults
gimp: (this includes gimp blend modes, curves, hue saturation and threshold alpha)
gegl: (this includes a diverse set of gegl operations. most of gegl is here.)
svg: (this includes all GEGL only blend modes that are meant to lead gegl composers. gegl composers are like layers in gimp. )

unofficial unregistered plugin name spaces that have been used so far.

lb: (my plugin use this name)
boy: (Liam's pango mark up plugin uses this name)
anyone can add a third one named whatever they want...

Two final things must be said about name spaces. Changing name spaces break all presets, that is why some of my filters still use the gegl name space. 2. If anything goes wrong with my plugins in the future one can always try changing the name space from lb: to something else.

Re: About namespaces in GEGL Plugins

Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:02 pm

If you are using plugins of mine - gegl:bevel and gegl:innerglow and not lb:bevel and lb:innerglow the next GEGL update will break those plugins.

The latest download is here
https://github.com/LinuxBeaver/GEGL-Eff ... L/releases

Re: About namespaces in GEGL Plugins (old GEGL effects will break)

Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:45 pm

In the next update I push every single plugin of mine will use the lb:namespace and none will use GEGL outside of downgradable archives. Jehan told me to do this back in July 2023 but I waited till the last minute to comply with Gimp 3's release.

If you have Gimp 2.10 it is advised not to update my plugins as it will break presets.

Re: About namespaces in GEGL Plugins (old GEGL effects will break)

Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:44 pm

There is a serious chance that the next Gimp 2.99.19 checkpoint will break every gegl: plugin of mine. You should update now or or cope.


Every single plugin of mine now uses the lb: name space.
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