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Submissions for GimpScripts.net

Sat Sep 02, 2023 5:10 pm

I am aware that only a few people submit plugins and scripts to GimpScripts.net, so this is not me trying to call anyone out or make anyone feel bad, however, if you ever do intend to submit a script or plugin to GimpScripts.net this is a BIG FYI for everyone:

1) Submit menu screen screenshots to provide users of how they work. Especially if they require more than one step. They really do help.

2) Provide the Menu location with any information text about the plugin or script, so that can be displayed as well. It also helps users navigate within GIMP's menus to quickly find them. Do not assume I or Mareroq will download them and figure it out for you. Not saying this to be mean, we might be very busy and we need all the help we can get to get these up on the site for you.

3)Providing more than one example image is ok. Don't feel that you can't add several. Just provide the best outcomes you think it needs for display.

Again, thanks for reading, and hopefully this will make the process quicker and more informational for those of you who submit scripts or plugins.

I keep saying I am going to retire, and I keep getting asked "one more year?" I hope this finds all you wonderful GIMPers having fun and living the good life!
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