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Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:00 am

A new month has started.
Time for a new filter to post here for the "invisible" GimpChat visitors/members.

Issabella and myself did conclude the tests of this wip which derives from the previous ones called JVID_EFFECT_L/LA (watercolor effect).

The new name came out from 2 facts:
- a comment by Erisian after the first tests of the WIP
- the many modifications done which suggest a new name and not just an update release of the base used

So, here the filter:
(7.85 KiB) Downloaded 33 times

It has no prerequisites, except G'MIC, almost always present in Gimp installations.

Re: WatercolorPastels_2023

Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:17 am

Note: the filter does not accept source images with an excessive presence of black/very dark colours, like this PIXABAY image (the result would be ugly):

engin-akyurt-YXPE-wHpaH4-unsplash.jpg (198.26 KiB) Viewed 593 times

If you try, it will terminate the execution with an error message explaining the problem.
If you want to have it processed, you can previously change the black with a colour or a pattern not so dark.

Re: WatercolorPastels_2023

Sun Oct 01, 2023 4:36 am

This is the launching panel of the filter:
LaunchPanel.PNG (33.34 KiB) Viewed 587 times


-Blur amount: applied as first step, if desired. It's a median blur.
-Sketch amount: gives a bit of relevance to some pieces of the image contours
-Posterize: it's a component of the process to flatten a bit the areas
-Chroma amount: as the word says, adds a bit of chroma
-Ageing amount: gives to the outcome a look of an old painting
-Frame amount: extend the minimum fuzzy frame always applied (% of the image)
-C2G amount: used to give one of 3 different final looks (if not 0) using the next parameter:
-C2G layer mode:
. -LUMINANCE=adds a light contrast
. -DODGE=creates a sort of a "sketch on white" (common for aquarels)
. -BURN=adding strength to the colours
-Sketch on top: reinforces the "sketch" look of the outcome
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