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the new filter FREE PAINT 2023

Sat Nov 11, 2023 2:22 am

After an intense testing period by Issabela and myself, I'm happy to release today the new Free Paint 2023.
Unlike its conceptual predecessor (FPS of 2020 and subsequent updates), it has no prerequisites (no subsidiary filters, no pattern sets).
It has been developed using only the functionalities of Gimp+Gmic, available to almost everybody playing in this arena today (GimpChat).
It manipulates the source image in two sections of transformations:
- the first one leads to create what I called the BASIC OUTCOME
- the second one applies optional embellishments to finalize the outcome
The basic section has four steps:
- the choice of the "painting" tool
- the choise of the brush "stroking" tool
- the choice of the "contours" accentuation tool
- the choice of the "posterizing" tool
The second section has also four steps:
- the choice of the percent of the original image to restore
- the choice of a final pattern generating tool
- the choice of the percent of abstract color application
- the choice of the final look generated by various possible filters

So here it is:

(8.52 KiB) Downloaded 74 times


Re: the new filter FREE PAINT 2023 - Working fine

Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:39 am

Dear dinasset and gimp users

I have the next error when I run the filter.

I Install the new G'mic Ver !!
I am testing the filter again.
Working Fine !!!

Thanks for your Help

Re: the new filter FREE PAINT 2023

Sat Nov 11, 2023 3:59 am

It happens many times, almost at each new version installation.
You have to copy that .dll (and another one which will appear soon, normally they are two) from a previous installation.
Nothing to do with the filter.

Re: the new filter FREE PAINT 2023

Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:03 am

IIRC the second .dll missing is libicudt72.dll

Re: the new filter FREE PAINT 2023

Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:15 am

Unfortunately I cannot attach those two because too big

Re: the new filter FREE PAINT 2023

Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:17 am

Glad you solved the problem!
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