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Cobblestone mosaic script rel 7[for GMIC-qt]

Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:01 am

This script follows lyles tutorial at http://www.gimpchat.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3562 and I hope he likes the results

rel 2 added menu adjustments for tiles

rel 3 added gloss to menu and changed grout

Rel 4 added menu adjustments for gloss (glowing,brightness,shine and polish)

Rel 5 added code to respect selections and transparent borders, fixed 2 bugs

Rel 6 fixed more bugs

Rel 7 fixed changes in GMIC


You will need to have GMIC-qt installed to use the script

also make sure you have the old Mosaic plugin installed
mosaic plugin.zip
(59.15 KiB) Downloaded 136 times

Located in Filters>Artistic>Cobblestone Mosaic

download from↓

Cobblestone Mosaic.scm
Cobblestone Mosaic Rel7 for GMIC-qt
(10.51 KiB) Downloaded 158 times

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:28 am

Works great Graechan. Just thought of some possible additions. Is it posible to have a way to ask what type of mosaic form (triangles, octagon/squares, etc.) and both size and percent distortion of the mosaic blocks. Not sure if the amount of spacing matters, but why not add that too. Just curious. Not sure how easy it would be to implement these features interactively. Also have a check mark to either have grout or transparency (so I can add some addition tweaks to the cobblestone via other filters). Just some future enhancements maybe. :)

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:07 am

Unfortunately you cannot do anything interactively in a script but should be easy to leave out the grout via a checkbox. I'm glad you like the result :). I have no artistic ability but enjoy writing scripts as it keeps me out of the heat.

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:10 am

lylejk wrote:Works great Graechan. Just thought of some possible additions. Is it posible to have a way to ask what type of mosaic form (triangles, octagon/squares, etc.) and both size and percent distortion of the mosaic blocks. Not sure if the amount of spacing matters, but why not add that too. Just curious. Not sure how easy it would be to implement these features interactively. Also have a check mark to either have grout or transparency (so I can add some addition tweaks to the cobblestone via other filters). Just some future enhancements maybe. :)

Now updated to allow you to keep the layers, from there you can delete the grout layer or change its visibility.

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:38 am

Great script Graechan! I made a few tweaks to my layers. Don't know if you want to incorporate or not but here's what I did.

1. Isolated the grout on a transparent layer and gave it a 7E7E7E gray color, duplicated it and blurred the dup at 5, bumped the original at 12 (inverted). Then deleted the blurred layer.
2. Made a new white layer inbetween the grout layer and the image layer. Filled it with RGB noise @ .50 and set the layer to multiply then duped the layer to give it a gritty texture.
3. Duped the image layer and blurred the dup at 15, bumped the original image layerat 7. (deleted blurred layer)
4. Did an alpha to selection to the image layer and applied Glossy Stroke 3D set to Fill at 1 and turned the opacity of the shadow to 0. deleted all the glossy stroke layers except for the one named "glossy layer", then did a simple Blur>Blur on the glossy layer.

I got a very shiny look almost like glass tiles and a little better recessed look to the grout. I got a little bit more than I wanted in the upper right hand corner of the pic but I still liked the results. You can see the grout texture layer really well in the lower right corner.

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:20 am

Another cool script thank !

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:51 am

Draconian wrote:Great script Graechan! I made a few tweaks to my layers. Don't know if you want to incorporate or not but here's what I did.

1. Isolated the grout on a transparent layer and gave it a 7E7E7E gray color, duplicated it and blurred the dup at 5, bumped the original at 12 (inverted). Then deleted the blurred layer.
2. Made a new white layer inbetween the grout layer and the image layer. Filled it with RGB noise @ .50 and set the layer to multiply then duped the layer to give it a gritty texture.
3. Duped the image layer and blurred the dup at 15, bumped the original image layerat 7. (deleted blurred layer)
4. Did an alpha to selection to the image layer and applied Glossy Stroke 3D set to Fill at 1 and turned the opacity of the shadow to 0. deleted all the glossy stroke layers except for the one named "glossy layer", then did a simple Blur>Blur on the glossy layer.

I got a very shiny look almost like glass tiles and a little better recessed look to the grout. I got a little bit more than I wanted in the upper right hand corner of the pic but I still liked the results. You can see the grout texture layer really well in the lower right corner.

Now that looks fantastic Drac; might try the glossy-stroke idea later (usually use Inkscape; why not do it all in GIMP. lol). Thanks for the update too Graechen. :)

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:47 pm

Nice script thanks!
I was thinking that using the plastic wrap filter within the script could give that glossy look also.Of course that would mean you would have to include it with the mosaic script. :)
Keep em coming!

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:18 pm

Thanks Lyle.

Rod - That's a great idea. I wish I had saved the xcf file and just made a new layer to compare. Oh well....such is life.

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script

Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:04 pm

Draconian I like your image but what do you mean by isolate the grout layer on a transparent layer, have patience I'm old and a little thick. I allways enjoy recieving Ideas and yours definately have Merit.

I just trid your grout and it looks great.

Just uploaded rel 2, but I can see a rel 3 comming up soon

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:29 pm

Thanks Graechan; the addition of the wider spaces between stones really make me happy. Because the layers are separate, I can add grout my own way which is cool too. :)

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:28 pm

Hey Graechan. If you really want to shine the cobble stones, you can always run G'MIC's local orientation with a slight increase in the Smoothness slider and set it to Grain Extrace with a copy of the stones on top set to color and another copy above that set to light with adjusted opacity to taste. See XCF (7-Zip) file for layer details. Note to merge all visible before applying the grout. :)

gc_setup.png (217.44 KiB) Viewed 2597 times

glossy_cobble.jpg (246.17 KiB) Viewed 2597 times

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:16 am

OK Lyle, I give up. Been working on this for about an hour and a half now and I can't figure out what you did to get the tiles to look so flattened on top. What's up with the rings? You keepin' secrets again? :hehe

This is my latest and greatest couple of attempts.

I'm really having fun with this Graetchan! To get the grout like I like it, I alpha to select the image layer and go to the grout layer and delete the selection therefore making a sort of grout "lattice" layer. Then dup, blur, & inverted bump. This time I added the original image above the selection blur layer in overlay mode. Also did a Layer FX bevel & emboss and put them at the top. Then ran the glossy stroke 3d. I also tried to immulate Lyle's image and ran GIMIC's gradient Norm @ 5 on the image layer and place it under the original image layer. I just can't seem to duplicate what Lyle did.

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:22 am

LOL; to create the grout, I dupped the stones and, on the base layer, ran G'MIC's Gradient Norm preset adjusting the Top slider until I got the ring effect; might have done this step twice; can't remember in my half-heimerz state. Also, I like the reflection effect that you did for your result; nice added touch. :)

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:31 pm

Thanks Lyle. I was fooling around with the Gradient norm too but just could not get it to look right. Guess I wasn't holding my tongue right. Anyway this was great fun. Thanks again Graechan!

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:36 pm

Well I've been busy to guys, the output from the script now looks like this.


I hope you can see what chages were made.

I used the dreaded lighting affects filter (and yes I never gave up on it).

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:56 pm

I like the glossy result Graechan. Don't think you updated the Script since Saturday though so, if it's the same as the last effort, I'll have to play more with the settings. :)

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:44 am

Just updated to rel 3, but please keep playing with the script, its a great source of inspiration.

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:31 am

I like it Graechan but the Overlay layer step use to be part of the keep the layer separate part but now is no long. I like to tone down the Overlay effect (personal choice) so it would be cool to keep that as an option. Also, not sure if you saw the glossy result using Local Orientation; not sure if it's worth another option since I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement in the Script as an option. Also toying with lens distortion and reverse lens distortion to add variety to the tile sizes. :)

ref: http://www.fontplay.com/freephotos/sixt ... 6-0015.jpg

Re: Cobblestone mosaic script rel 2

Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:28 pm

Graechan wrote:
I hope you can see what chages were made.

I used the dreaded lighting affects filter (and yes I never gave up on it).

LOL! I know what you mean by "dreaded". It can be a real pain sometimes but I can definitely see the effects and I think they look really great. Your efforts were definitely worth it. You mentioned changing the grout but I didn't notice a lot of difference. Whadja do to it?

The only additional option I can think of is a checkbox to reverse or recess the grout instead of being raised above the tiles.
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