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Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:01 pm

I need a GIMP script to do these task once I have a selected area.

- Crop image based on selection.

- Resize image to scale X = 1600. If HEIGHT is greater the height == X and width gets scaled or vice versa.

- Add water mark function. I would like common option like ones found on the web. Text (image option would be cool), location (most have top left, I would like to add X pixels and Y pixels to that), opacity.

- Save Image. I would love to have a box popup and ask for a name then every image that I save it would load the last name so I can modify it like first load could be name of image (DSC0001.JPG) then I would put a new name in (my-new-name.jpg) then every new image in that session would be my-new-name.jpg but I would change my-new-name-front.jpg for the second image and the third image would then default to my-new-name-front.jpg and so on...

Then I would want to have a folder to save it too other than image source.

- Once saved I would like the option to close the image automatic.

So I would open an image use the selection tool to select my area then once I have my selection I would execute the script (a shortcut would be nice too) and repeat...

I am willing to pay for someone to create this type of script for me.

Thanks for looking

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:25 pm

@mgwalk We have a lot of good script writers in this forum and they make scripts because they enjoy it, they will not do this for money. If someone sees your post that wants to write that script, they will do it.

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:28 pm

Gimp communities are not like Photoshop communities where everything is about cash. We care about the program and like to see more advances in the program out of the heart of people, not because there is a pay check behind it.

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:30 pm

That's awesome I could donate some money. Cause everyone time is worth something. So I will donate if someone would like.

Is my suggestion even possible?


Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:36 pm

That is very nice of you to offer mgwalk but Gimp Chat is a free forum and the people in here write scripts because they enjoy it. If this script you are looking for is possible, I am sure one of them will give it a try. Just be patient because right now I don't see any of them on line but they will see your message.

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:11 pm

I suggest you first try the registry where there are many watermark and resize scripts.
Davids Batch Processor comes to mind
There is also BIMP

The registry url

Welcome to Gimp Chat by the way. :)

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:17 pm

If you have to visually crop, of course, that can't be automated. Everything else you mentioned can be done more easily using imagemagick.

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:25 pm

GnuTux wrote:If you have to visually crop, of course, that can't be automated. Everything else you mentioned can be done more easily using imagemagick.

I just need to automate everything after the selection for the crop.

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:35 pm

mgwalk wrote:- Resize image to scale X = 1600. If HEIGHT is greater the height == X and width gets scaled or vice versa.

Could you restate this? Your expectations are not entirely clear.

mgwalk wrote:- Save Image. I would love to have a box popup and ask for a name then every image that I save it would load the last name so I can modify it like first load could be name of image (DSC0001.JPG) then I would put a new name in (my-new-name.jpg) then every new image in that session would be my-new-name.jpg but I would change my-new-name-front.jpg for the second image and the third image would then default to my-new-name-front.jpg and so on...

FYI, such a filename interface is not possible* with Script-fu, but would be possible with Python, C, or other plug-in languages. A script's dialog would show the previously saved filename the next time the script is executed.

* Well, it's possible. It would, however, be slow and inelegant.
mgwalk wrote:- Once saved I would like the option to close the image automatic.

This is not really possible. Plug-ins and scripts can only close images which they themselves open. The script could mark the image as clean so that closing does not prompt the user about losing data.

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:28 am

saulgoode wrote:
mgwalk wrote:- Resize image to scale X = 1600. If HEIGHT is greater the height == X and width gets scaled or vice versa.

Could you restate this? Your expectations are not entirely clear.

If the image height is greater than the image width and the height is greater than 1600. I would need the image height set to 1600 and the width scaled according to the height being 1600.
If the image width is greater than the image height and the width is greater than 1600. I would need the image width set to 1600 and the height scaled according to the width being 1600.

Sorry hope that is more clear.

saulgoode wrote:
mgwalk wrote:- Save Image. I would love to have a box popup and ask for a name then every image that I save it would load the last name so I can modify it like first load could be name of image (DSC0001.JPG) then I would put a new name in (my-new-name.jpg) then every new image in that session would be my-new-name.jpg but I would change my-new-name-front.jpg for the second image and the third image would then default to my-new-name-front.jpg and so on...

FYI, such a filename interface is not possible* with Script-fu, but would be possible with Python, C, or other plug-in languages. A script's dialog would show the previously saved filename the next time the script is executed.

* Well, it's possible. It would, however, be slow and inelegant.

OK the naming is not needed just would be nice :) But how about auto saving into another folder (other than source location), once the cropping and scaling is done?

saulgoode wrote:
mgwalk wrote:- Once saved I would like the option to close the image automatic.

This is not really possible. Plug-ins and scripts can only close images which they themselves open. The script could mark the image as clean so that closing does not prompt the user about losing data.

If you can not auto close it then marking the image clean would eliminate the save before closing warning, that would be awesome. One less click/step

Thanks saulgoode for explaining the what is possible and not :)

So I vision me
1. opening a image
2. using the selection tool to select the area I would like the new image to be.
3. execute this script.

script would
1. crop my selection
2. resize it like stated above
3. save to my folder (export as jpg)

I would then
1. close image without confirming save before close.
2. repeat :)

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:49 am

I will provide a script which should address your work flow, though I will need a few days to do so (I have an out-of-town appointment I need to attend).

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:58 am

Donations in OpenSource and free code writers world are always welcome :)

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:17 am

saulgoode wrote:I will provide a script which should address your work flow, though I will need a few days to do so (I have an out-of-town appointment I need to attend).

Thank you so much!!!

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:29 am

Wow, saulegood, that is very generous of you! What a good example to the rest of us!

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:13 pm

Here is the script:

http://chiselapp.com/user/saulgoode/rep ... 6037b9c09b

It adds two commands to the File menu: "Mgwalk Save First..." and "Mgwalk Save Next". The first command presents a dialog which allows you to change settings such as maximum dimension, output directory, filetype, et cetera; and then saves the processed file. The second command saves the processed file using the same settings (no interaction is required). Presumably you would assign a keyboard shortcut to the "Mgwalk Save Next" command, permitting you to make your selection, press the shortcut key, and then CTRL-W to close the image.

An optional suffix can be appended to the output filename, such that "imagefile.png" might be renamed to "imagefile-RESIZED.png" or somesuch. Just set the suffix to be empty if you don't want the name changed.

I did not implement text entry of a watermark. Instead you should just create a new image containing just a text layer and save that (to a PNG file).

At present, the output is restricted to the JPEG, PNG, and XCF filetypes. The type of the original image file does not matter.

I have not done much testing on the script yet, so don't be surprised if you encounter bugs. For best results, you will need to use 2.6.11 or later version of GIMP.

Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:41 am

This is awesome! Thanks I will test it here soon. Please pm me your paypal email. I want to donate something.


Re: Can someone help me create a GIMP Script will Pay :)

Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:56 am

mgwalk wrote:This is awesome! Thanks I will test it here soon. Please pm me your paypal email. I want to donate something.

If you find the script useful, please consider submitting a donation to http://mediagoblin.org/ (a new project that is sort of an open source flickr/deviantart/youtube). Don't feel obligated if it inconveniences you financially.

If you need adjustments to the script and can't figure out how to do them yourself, feel free to ask. The whole point of using scripts is to customize how GIMP works to your own particular needs.
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