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Mathmap and 2.8

Thu May 23, 2013 5:29 pm

My wife has finally taken an interest in gimp so I've been setting gimp up on her laptop. Everything has went smoothly except mathmap. I installed it exactly like I did on mine and it simply will NOT work. It won't even show up on my filter list. It want's to install to a 2.6 folder as it did on mine. I moved the contents from that folder to the 2.8 folder. On mine that worked fine but on hers it doesn't work. Both are win 7 32 bit, almost identical but yet it doesn't work. I really want to get the most I can for her, anybody have this problem, hat being installling mathmap on 2.8?

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Thu May 23, 2013 8:35 pm

GMS you need to install to her USERNAME\.gimp-2.8 folder.
See below image.When you get to the install location in the MathMap installer package make sure to remove the .gimp-2.6 including the backslash at the end of the path and it should work.


Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Thu May 23, 2013 10:04 pm

Yeah, that's the way I did it the second time. It should have worked. Sorry, I should have said in my first post that I tried it both ways.

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Thu May 23, 2013 11:00 pm

Gms9810 I am attaching the 32bit Install guide containing all necessary folders and files to install mathmap in your 2.8 32bit gimp contained within is the Install instructions guide to install mathmap please follow all steps exactly

(4.2 MiB) Downloaded 589 times

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:00 pm

I've been wondering about mathmap & now I want it. :) I have 64 bit... where can I download it?

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:37 pm

mackenzieh wrote:I've been wondering about mathmap & now I want it. :) I have 64 bit... where can I download it?

there is no 64-bit binaries of Mathmap plugin that I know of,
32-bit version works well in 64-bit GIMP.

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:39 pm

Oh.. well darn. I guess that's a plug in will I do without.

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:09 am

I have it loaded. For me, mathmap is located under the Generic filter since I have gimp 2.8.

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:17 am

Conbagui, I have tried this with 64 many times and I get this error:Image

Any help resolving this issue, would be helpful.

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:03 pm

Personally I would search for the lost file and copy it to the plugin folder. Worked for me mackenziel.

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:35 pm

Rellik419 wrote:Conbagui, I have tried this with 64 many times and I get this error:[ Image ]

Any help resolving this issue, would be helpful.

The message is clear, most plugin consist only in 1 exe file, mathmap has more files and you have to install them all, Graechan even posted the link for a how to a few message ago

If ,even installing all the files that message persist that means you have 2 or more of that files, 2 is as none they will conflict and not work , so you have in case to remove the clones.

But i believe that dll part of Mathmap, please check if you installed EVERYTHING not only the exe, and to have no clones

Then in case that ddl is REALLY missed i can post a copy, let me known

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:40 pm

how did you installed ?
there is a installer but was for gimp 2.4 for use the installer with later version you should follow the trick explained by ROD in his message
Then you may found just zipped , if zipped should be also the instruction to install

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:26 pm

PhotoComix wrote:Rellik
how did you installed ?
there is a installer but was for gimp 2.4 for use the installer with later version you should follow the trick explained by ROD in his message
Then you may found just zipped , if zipped should be also the instruction to install

I'm almost positive that I installed correctly, and after reading about the clones..I'm thinking that is where my problem is... I will try and install again, but before I do, I'll see if there is a clone first.

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:04 am

yes some other plugin may have installed a clone of that dll
Did you have gimp 64 or 32 ?

If is 64 i suggest to place the exe and all dll in a dedicate folder and activate the folder path thought Edit>preferences
May be that other plugin need the 64bit version of same dll ,( so would be not a clone if not for the name ) keep the 32 bit version of that Dll in the same folder then mathmap exe helps to avoid conflicts

It helps also for install in 32bit gimp but for the 64bit version may be the only solution

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:54 am

PhotoComix wrote:yes some other plugin may have installed a clone of that dll
Did you have gimp 64 or 32 ?

If is 64 i suggest to place the exe and all dll in a dedicate folder and activate the folder path thought Edit>preferences
May be that other plugin need the 64bit version of same dll ,( so would be not a clone if not for the name ) keep the 32 bit version of that Dll in the same folder then mathmap exe helps to avoid conflicts

It helps also for install in 32bit gimp but for the 64bit version may be the only solution

I have 64 Photo. It's a Partha build if that makes any difference. If you can give a step by step of what you are suggesting, I would be grateful. Thank you for your suggestions and help. :tyspin :bigthup :)

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:37 pm

Ok but better start anew, so

1) remove Mathmap
2) Open the Gimp folder, not Gimp but its folder with explorer and type there the name of that dll


in the screengrab , framed in red the SEARCH field where you should type the dll name
In the pic is also my result , i too have more then 1 dll, that is normal because other plugin as gmic uses the same dll but in a 64bit version, but everything works because the 32bit dll required by mathmap is not floating around but in a dedicated folder with mathmap exe and the other MM dll ,( same for the versiion needed by gmic )

3) i believe this the most recent and complete build of mathmap http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/gimp-packagers/MathMap-Zip-Install%281%29.zip?r=&ts=1388694049&use_mirror=nchc
The difference is that are much more filters then in the last official build (for the rest are no changes )

4) then are also instrution inside the zip, that anyway are the same then comboguy posted
you have not to move many files but only 2 folder that you will find in the zip "plugin" and Mathmap"

And to make life easier you MUST not to extract files from "plugin", move the whole folder inside gimp "plug-ins" and the other folder "mathmap" folder just inside your gimp user folder.

Loading gimp nothing will happen because a last step is needed
in gimp click Edit/ Preferences/Folder , expand "folder" and chose plug-ins, there click the "new folder" icon and then "..." (yes "..." ,stand for search)
a file explorer will pop out, just indicate the "plugin" folder with MM , click okey

Done! Next time you load gimp MM would be in Filter/generic

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:28 am

While Mathmap works... I am getting an error when I try to use the Auto BW filter. I get a Parse Error... why is that?

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:19 am

I don't remember that filter
It may be a error slipped in the code of that filter , or to be slipped in is a clone of the same filter
In the while you may move out that filter, all filters are in the expression subfolders , inside the mathmap folder.

If you have a bit of patience i may see if is a error that may be fixed or just a clone that may be removed

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:26 am

PhotoComix wrote:I don't remember that filter
It may be a error slipped in the code of that filter , or to be slipped in is a clone of the same filter
In the while you may move out that filter, all filters are in the expression subfolders , inside the mathmap folder.

If you have a bit of patience i may see if is a error that may be fixed or just a clone that may be removed

For me the filter is located Filters>Generic>Mathmap>Colors>Auto BW

Take all the time you need.

Re: Mathmap and 2.8

Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:53 pm

PhotoComix, I found errors in more than one file for mathmap: I found the errors in these files: AutoBW, the Local Contrast, (location: Colors filter);

Sharp Blur, Addition with Opacity, Burn with Opacity, Darken With Opacity, Difference with Opacity, Dissolve With Opacity, Divide with Opacity, Dodge with Opacity, Grain Extract with Opacity, Grain Merge with Opacity, Hard Light with Opacity, Hue With Opacity, In with Opacity, Lighten With Opacity, Out with Opacity, Over with Opacity, Overlay with Opacity, Saturation with Opacity, Screen with Opacity, Softlight with Opacity, Value with Opacity, Subtraction with Opacity, (location: Compositing Filter)

Gaussian Blur Edge Detect (location: Edge Detect)
Erect-Genpanini (location: Map)

Sorry for the long winded message.

Apparently, they all have the extension .mmc instead of .mm

I've tried changing the extensions to .mm files, but I still end up with the error.
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