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Re: Bring-in Animation Plug-in

Fri Jul 12, 2019 1:02 pm

You're spot-on right. I have better idea for the moving one, flashlight beam.

Re: Bring-in Animation Plug-in

Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:08 pm

While the plug-ins seem similar, making them one script would show too many options with some not relevant to the process being done... like the bring in animation doens't have a drop shadow option because it simply moves layers around doesn't brush or draw anything. If I make it one script, you'll see options that you might think you need to change but can ignore in some cases..I think them being 2 separate plug-ins is better because you know can go over all the options that are most likely relevant to the process.

Re: Bring-in Animation Plug-in

Fri Jul 12, 2019 2:11 pm

racer-x great job...reminds me of playing buck hunter...even though "Buck Hunter" never had scope mode.

Re: Bring-in Animation Plug-in

Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:12 pm

trandoductin, thanks for the explanation, that makes sense.

racer-x, your scope looks great. I like your idea of having a moving background and static foreground.


Oh no the TV has broken.

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