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Re: Turing-like pattern script

Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:09 am

Downloaded the script today and what mahvin posted I still cannot get this turing to work. I do add something to the background too.
I get these errors
Turing Pattern Warning
Error while executing script-fu-turing-pattern:

Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: NORMAL-MODE Seems to be when create a new layer is checked

GIMP Warning
Plug-in 'Turing Pattern' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups.

Turing Pattern Warning
Error while executing script-fu-turing-pattern:

Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: GRAIN-EXTRACT-MODE seems to be when create a new layer is not checked

I also checked I have the gimp drawable feature - looks like that might be included with gimp anyway since it was created in 1997.

Had the different patterns of turing in another version of gimp but cannot remember which one.

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Tue Jun 30, 2020 6:54 am

sallyanne wrote:Downloaded the script today and what mahvin posted I still cannot get this turing to work. I do add something to the background too.
I get these errors
Turing Pattern Warning
Error while executing script-fu-turing-pattern:

Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: NORMAL-MODE Seems to be when create a new layer is checked

GIMP Warning
Plug-in 'Turing Pattern' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups.

Turing Pattern Warning
Error while executing script-fu-turing-pattern:

Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: GRAIN-EXTRACT-MODE seems to be when create a new layer is not checked

I also checked I have the gimp drawable feature - looks like that might be included with gimp anyway since it was created in 1997.

Had the different patterns of turing in another version of gimp but cannot remember which one.

Konstantin wrote:May i suggest, adding the High Pass filter code to your Turing script ?!

As a possible solution to both sallyanne's and konstantin's problem, please find here-attached a standalone version of the turing pattern script, where the high-pass filter function has been embedded, and I replaced every enums (such as NORMAL-MODE or GRAIN-EXTRACT-MODE) by their integer counterpart. It works fine on my computer; I hope it will work on yours too. It is however strange that those enums are missing; what version of GIMP are you running?

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:29 am

If you don't have GIMP 2.10.20 it will give you the constant errors. This was fixed in the new version. What GIMP version you have sallyanne?

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:39 am

The turing-pattern-gimpchat.scm works for me without any errors.
Nice !

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Tue Jun 30, 2020 8:15 am

Pocholo wrote:If you don't have GIMP 2.10.20 it will give you the constant errors. This was fixed in the new version. What GIMP version you have sallyanne?

I have 2.10.20 Windows 64 bit

Stand alone works!

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:23 am

Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: NORMAL-MODE
Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: GRAIN-EXTRACT-MODE

Those are names from GIMP 2.8.
LAYER-MODE-GRAIN-EXTRACT-LEGACY and so on should be used for GIMP 2.10
Proper Names can be retrieved from the pdb database via help > procedure browser

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Thu Jul 02, 2020 8:53 am

I like the first version more because of the pattern applied to the image.
It's a bit strange what the author says - but versjon 1.2 it works for me even on a completely white background (gimp-2.10.20).

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:49 pm

There is a filter in G'MIC called Stencil (unless they removed/renamed it in later versions, mine is OLD), somewhere under Patterns. It produces very similar effects.
I've always wondered what it was for, well, now I know. :)

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:47 pm

mahvin wrote:
holojello wrote:I upgraded to the latest version of GIMP (2.10.20), and the script still runs fine whatever the input parameters on my computer. I also confirm that the high-pass script sent by Mahvin is perfectly identical to the one I use.

Mahvin, Pocholo, based on the video you sent, I think I understand the issue; you call the script from a totally white layer don't you? (is it what you do also, Mahvin?). Try to fill the layer with something (for example, solid noise, or even just that good old green pepper brush). Indeed, Turing patterns emerge from the fact that some matter (= pixels with non-zero value (ie non-white)) diffuses and reacts inside a medium (= the canvas), but if there is no matter in the first place, no pattern can be formed.

Amazing! Using certain pattern fills creates some very unique and bizarre Turing patterns.

I will have to try different pattern fills. I thought at first it was just doing the same pattern no matter what I had under it but the patterns were different but subtle. I love Turing patterns. I am using gimp 2.10.12.

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:19 am

:tyspin Thank you so much! The Turing Pattern script works like a charm!

I uploaded my first render to imgur. I'm new and don't know how to post pictures here imgur: /a/ObMkb2E

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:09 am

rodgersnigel wrote::tyspin Thank you so much! The Turing Pattern script works like a charm!

I uploaded my first render to imgur. I'm new and don't know how to post pictures here imgur: /a/ObMkb2E

If you open the full editor, to the right of the yellow speech bubble at the top is a button that enables you to upload a file. You can use that to upload images.

Re: Turing-like pattern script

Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:31 am

Erisian wrote:
rodgersnigel wrote::tyspin Thank you so much! The Turing Pattern script works like a charm!

I uploaded my first render to imgur. I'm new and don't know how to post pictures here imgur: /a/ObMkb2E

If you open the full editor, to the right of the yellow speech bubble at the top is a button that enables you to upload a file. You can use that to upload images.

You can do exactly as Erisian said after you have made 5 posts. You may be able to upload a picture as an attachment (at the bottom of the comment box)
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