my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK
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Author:  keshef [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

instead of the non-standard, non-compatible, often annoying GTK window,
use a Windows standard/native dialog.

I have edited ALL this post; Thank you for testing it!
download temporarily removed due to a bug
plugin for GIMP


Instead of the non-standard, non-compatible, often annoying GTK window,
this plugin shows a Windows standard/native save/open dialog.

GTK dialog has nice features, but it still annoys me very much. I'm sure that windows users, esp. beginners and power users will find this dialog useful.

I really don't like to have 2 separate menus for SAVE and EXPORT.
Since i know enough about graphics and formats, I can actively decide when and why to choose XCF or JPG each time I see a "save" dialog...
So this plugin has 1 menu entry for both XCF and other types, as it used to be several years ago.

The plugin depends on external library (either pywin32, wxpython, or tkinter)
- wxPython (best, cross-platform, but 30MB is not shippable, i cant attach here even wx.7z file)
- tk (cross-platform, but I couldn't make it work)
- win32 (only on windows, 7mb, not easy to install?)
- kde (i didn't try, but they have a very usable dialog with similar look and feel)

(i implemented both, because i don't mind the extra MBs, and because i have both windows and linux)

see "questions" below

2. it's just quick-and-dirty, certainly not the correct way of installing python plugins
3. this plugin was not (yet) developed for linux. it might even work out of the box (without the next steps)

4. choose if you're going to use pywin32, wx, or tkiner(incomplete!). I recommend on wxpython.
5. find out which python version, and architecture (32bit/64bit)
in my portable-gimp, i found "python.exe", double-click it, and it printed the version.
in my case it was "Python 2.7.5 (May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]"
which means i have a python version 2.7, 32bit.

6. copy to your plug-ins folder

7. once you (re)start Gimp, There are 2 new menu items:
File > Open as windows, File > Save as windows

8. you might want to change save/keyboard bindings to this plugin.

installing pywin32 (for Windows only):
1. download pywin32 for python 2.7 (depends on your gimp version), must be 32 bit
2. extract its contents (using total commander or 7zip or something)
3. create a sub-folder in gimp's \plug-ins\ called "win32"
4. copy some* files from pywin32 package to your \plug-ins\win32\ it looks like:

But this is WRONG: .gimp-2.8/plug-ins/win32/win32/*.py

installing wx:
1. download wxPython for python 2.7 (depends on your gimp version), 32 bit
2. copy the wxPython's library "wx" directory to the plug-ins\ dir*
so you see something like:

* most of them are NOT necessary, but i haven't checked which.

1. ANSWERED: can i replace gimp's default menu entries?
2. ANSWERED: f I run the plugin while there's no image opened in Gimp, gimp shows me a parameters dialog.
3. ANSWERED: why the image is not shown
4. ANSWERED: how to combine 2 menu entries in 1 plugin
5. ANSWERED: when saving the image, the window's title doesn't change according to the new name.
6. How to add my recently saved file to the "File > Open Recent" list?

Full answers (with help from ofnuts):
2. the menu label must also be defined as "<Toolbox>". If it is defined as <Image>, gimp passes automagically 2 parameters (img, drawable) to my function, and shows a dialog
4. nothing is "simple";) you have to know which menu prefix (as above) to use, and to use very particular value to "imagetypes". See my code for very ilustraded call to "register()"
5. pdb.gimp_image_set_filename(active_image, f)

There should be system-wide GTK flag that chooses between native and gtk dialog.
This is probably will never happen, so GTK recommend using the same method for native dialogs ... 21.013.htp

- on open, add preview (i am not going to implement it on my own)
- remember directory or use current image's directory
- create a list or zip of the depedencies (wx or win32) with only the necessary files
- add a filter with possible extensions (i use almost always gif, jpg, png and xcf, so i don't need this feature)

File comment: updated, 23-march-2014, most bugs solved [74.87 KiB]
Downloaded 222 times
File comment: works only for python 2.7, 32 bit
win32.7z [1.31 MiB]
Downloaded 237 times

Author:  keshef [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

my next step is very ambitious:
to create a plugin browser, with filter/effect/image previews, searchable with keywords.

Author:  ofnuts [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

1) None I know of, within the reach of a plugin. Remember, you are doing a plugin, not a fork of the main code.
2) Register a plugin that takes no parameters (no even an image)
3) You have to give a display to you image:
image=pdb.gimp_file_load(filename, raw_filename)

4) Yes, just have two register() calls, one for each function. Btw, since Gimp automatically prefixes "python-fu-" to your names you can register more simply as "open-windows-dialog".

The GTK dialog is more user-friendly than you think, especially in environment where all apps use it. For instance it remembers the last files saved using it, so if you need to open them in another app shortly after (frequent use case for me: export a screenshot in Gimp, and upload it in Firefox), they are easy to find. I wouldn't see much purpose in importing the WIndows-style dialog on Linux or OSX.

Author:  Graechan [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

keshef it's hard to even know what to comment on I've installed 2 python files in my plugins directory '' and '' they are in my File Menu but do nothing
I also downloaded the Win32.7Z package but it doesn't contain the wxPython's library "wx" directory

Author:  Mikechat [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK


i have not tested yet but
it dose show, have to make wx dir in plug-ins.
thanks keshef, good work

Author:  Graechan [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

If I make a wx dir in my userfiles/plug-ins what do I put in it?

Author:  Mikechat [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

i did not put anything in it.

Author:  Graechan [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

Instead of empty "wx" folder I downloaded and inserted the win32 folder but it gave this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\gimp_2_8_10-64bits-Portable\32\lib\gimp\2.0\python\", line 699, in response
    dialog.res = run_script(params)
  File "C:\gimp_2_8_10-64bits-Portable\32\lib\gimp\2.0\python\", line 361, in run_script
    return apply(function, params)
  File "C:\gimp_2_8_10-64bits-Portable\Preferences\plug-ins\", line 102, in python_fu_open_windows_dialog
    f = open_as_win32(initial_dir, default_file_name, title="Open", types='*.*')
  File "C:\gimp_2_8_10-64bits-Portable\Preferences\plug-ins\", line 50, in open_as_win32
    from win32 import win32gui, win32con
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Author:  Mikechat [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

my gimp is 2.8.10 32bit

i put the win32 folder in plug-ins
because of the python execute and sub folders
inside the win32 folder.
gimp has a hard time finding .exe files,
more than one level below plug-ins dir.
but as i said i have not tested it yet.

Author:  Graechan [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

I am using a 64bit gimp to test, is this only compatible with 32bit

Author:  Rod [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

I had to download the win32.7z file as a file and open with 7 zip application. Otherwise it showed an empty 7z file download. (empty archive).

I placed the win32 folder in plug-ins along with a new wx directory (empty) and it initialized save as and open as python modules.


Though selecting either did not open a save as dialog or open as dialog.

Windows 8.1 64 bit GIMP. Perhaps the python modules should be in the 32 bit folder?
AHHA! I had to make sure the tree wasn't ".gimp-2.8/plug-ins/win32/win32/python files". I simply made sure the tree was ".gimp-2.8/plug-ins/win32/python files" and all worked as they should.


However shouldn't there be some sort of way to browse for the file you want to open? Same with save as. There should be a way to browse to a save directory.
The way this works now it attempts to use the already open drawable or image but upon selecting save as i get no response.
I am a little confused. Why would you want to open an already opened image in a windows dialog to open it again? Or perhaps i am miss-understanding the purpose of the plug-in?

Author:  keshef [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

Thank you, ofnuts, i implemented your other answers

ofnuts wrote:
2) Register a plugin that takes no parameters (no even an image)

a) The register commands don't take any parameters now (lines 161, 146), but it still pops up the dialog
b) The dialog is shown only when there are no other images; it doesn't show when i have other images opened.

Can you help me on this?

ofnuts wrote:
The GTK dialog is more user-friendly (...), especially (...) where all apps use it. For instance it remembers the last files saved using it, (...) I wouldn't see much purpose in importing the WIndows-style dialog on Linux or OSX.

For me, the main concern is (not) having to use the mouse, or navigating too much in the dialog.
In Windows (and KDE?), when the dialog shows, i just write the path and press ENTER. For me this is the most important behavior. I just wish i had written the plugin 14 years ago, when i really needed it :)

Rod wrote:
AHHA! I had to make sure it was ".gimp-2.8/plug-ins/win32/python files" and all worked

thank you! I added it in the README.

Rod wrote:
However shouldn't there be some sort of way to browse for the file you want to open?

this is a bug; not a feature :) see my correspondance with ofnuts about it.
it will work if there are other open images (strange...)
I didn't understand your comment about the "save as windows"? Does it work for you?

Mikechat wrote:
it dose show, have to make wx dir in plug-ins.
thanks keshef, good work

So you work with the WX version? nice! mine stopped working :( so i'm using pywin32

I added install instructions;
can you tell me what is your PYTHON.EXE version & bits?
where is your "plug-ins" folder?
(I guess I will not be using windows 8 in the next several years but it should be the same as 7)

Author:  keshef [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

for anyone who still reads this, i've updated the scripts and solved the bugs.

Author:  saulgoode [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

keshef wrote:
For me, the main concern is (not) having to use the mouse, or navigating too much in the dialog.
In Windows (and KDE?), when the dialog shows, i just write the path and press ENTER. For me this is the most important behavior. I just wish i had written the plugin 14 years ago, when i really needed it :)

If you do not have a "Location:" text entry in your GTK Open dialog, you can use the CTRL-L keyboard shortcut to have one added. Once added, it should be available for all subsequent usages.

Author:  Graechan [ Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

Still to much confusion with install the win32 folder should only contain whats necessary so that the instruction could read place 32 folder in plugins folder and in your save as windows zip what is for

Author:  josephbupe [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK


Why can't we just have a better/standard image browse dialogue such as already proposed here?

Is it the intention of this thread?

Still :gimp


Author:  Odinbc [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

josephbupe wrote:

Why can't we just have a better/standard image browse dialogue such as already proposed here?

Is it the intention of this thread?

Still :gimp

I like that idea Joseph.

Author:  keshef [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

josephbupe wrote:
Why can't we just have a better/standard image browse dialogue such as already proposed ?

i think modern systems now has thumbnail view already built in.
i don't know about GTK, but for Windows it either happens automatically or you need to click a button and "view as thumbnails" or something

josephbupe wrote:
Is it the intention of this thread?

My personal intention is to have fastest, easiest, and most similar look and feel.

Since i'm using anyway Windows (95, 98, NT, 2000, xp, 7, 2003), and prefer the KDE environment, i'm more "fluid" with non-gtk style of dialogs.

Saulgoode gave us a tip about using current dialog more efficiently, and i'm going to try it

Also, i don't use GIMP as a file browser.
for that I use Total commander (on windows) / Double Commander (on linux) - both have built-in thumbnail preview.

the same way I don't use emacs as an operating system... ;)

Author:  Rod [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

I re downloaded and installed all the newer python modules in the first post.
I opened a recent image and tried "Open As Windows Dialog2" and all works well.

I installed the wxPython to my Python27 application folder. I copied the entire wx folder to my .gimp-2.8/plug-ins folder and launched Gimp-2.8 64 bit installed version.

Results for Save As Windows Dialog -
I select the "Save Windows Dialog" in the File menu and nothing happens.

Author:  keshef [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: my first plugin - Windows save/open dialog instead of GTK

Rod wrote:
I re downloaded and installed all the newer python modules in the first post.
I opened a recent image and tried "Open As Windows Dialog2"
Results for Save As Windows Dialog -
I select the "Save Windows Dialog" in the File menu and nothing happens.

i uploaded new script version.
please update "",
and DELETE "" from your plugins script, since it's not needed anymore (i unified both files into 1 script)

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