Script-fu skip run-mode parameter (solved)
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Author:  preklov [ Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Script-fu skip run-mode parameter (solved)

Hi there. I'm new to this forum.

I wrote some script-fus and a python-fu, some of which don't need a dialogue and no run-mode parameter either. So i didn't include it in the registration's parameter list. But when I call these functions I am forced to put a RUN-NONINTERACTIVE or RUN-INTERACTIVE at the beginning of the argument list. To keep my code better readable I would be glad to know how to register the scripts without run-mode.

Gimp 2.10.32 on macOS Ventura 13.0.1.

Thanks in advance.

Author:  Pocholo [ Mon Nov 14, 2022 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Script-fu skip run-mode parameter

Can you post the code? It would be easier to see what your referring.

Author:  Rod [ Tue Nov 15, 2022 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Script-fu skip run-mode parameter

Does the param require an int?
Try 1 or 0

Author:  preklov [ Tue Nov 15, 2022 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Script-fu skip run-mode parameter

Of course I could substitute the argument with 0 or 1 to shorten the code. But I use to come to work on Gimp macros only in intervals of years, and I fear that next time I try to understand my code I would puzzle about what the heck is that 0 or 1. So I'd prefer a more straightforward solution.

My code for two very simple python-fu macros, one to read a metadata value and the other to create a new directory:
from gimpfu import *

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os

def get_metadata_value(metadata, metadata_name):
  ic_name = metadata_name.lower()
  value   = ""
  root_node = ET.XML(metadata)
  for tag in root_node.findall('tag'):
    if tag.attrib['name'].lower() == ic_name:
      value = tag.text
  return value

  "Get the value of an image metadata tag",
  "Get the value of an image metadata tag.",
  "Volker Lenhardt",
  "Volker Lenhardt",
    (PF_STRING, "metadata", "The metadata of an image as an xml string", ""),
    (PF_STRING, "metadata-name", "The tag name (case insensitive)", ""),
  [ (PF_STRING, "value", "Tag value"),],

def make_dir(path):
  if not os.path.exists(path):
    return 1
  elif os.path.isdir(path):
    return 0
  return -1

  "Make a new directory",
  "Make a new directory, if it does not exist.",
  "Volker Lenhardt",
  "Volker Lenhardt",
  [(PF_STRING, "path", "The full path to the new directory", ""),],
  [(PF_INT, "state", "The result state of the operation\n-1 = path exists as a normal file\n 0 = path exists as a directory\n 1 = path generated as a new directory"),],


A clipping from a script-fu shows the use:
        (car (gimp-image-get-metadata image)))
        (string-trim (car (python-fu-image-get-metadata-value
                            RUN-NONINTERACTIVE metadata title-tag))))
        (car (python-fu-image-get-metadata-value
               RUN-NONINTERACTIVE metadata date-tag)))

Author:  ofnuts [ Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Script-fu skip run-mode parameter

The question is why you are making separate script-fu scripts to call your python code when you could have everything in one single python file? Everything in script-fu also exists in python-fu.

PS: and IMHO the "readability" is Scheme's main problem, whether Gimp is implied or not.

Author:  preklov [ Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Script-fu skip run-mode parameter

Many years ago I wrote a few script-fu (Tiny-fu in those days) macros to perform some batch tasks. I improved and extended them 7 years ago. For my needs now I could reuse the most part of them but for the few tasks that are not possible in Scheme (see my code).

I agree with you that Scheme is somehow deprecated, not only because of its readability problem (that you can reduce by a consequent indent structure to keep track of the parantheses). Some day I'll go about transferring the whole stuff to Python, I hope. I like to develop new code, but to refight old battles is not so desirable.

I don't call for a new feature, I only wanted to know if there is a way to keep Gimp from inserting a parameter that is not defined. If I get told that there is no way then I'll content myself with it.

Greetings, Volker

Author:  preklov [ Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Script-fu skip run-mode parameter (solved)

I found the solution.

For Python-fu there is a register parameter run_mode_param (listed at the very end) that defaults to True.
  "Get the value of an image metadata tag",
  "Get the value of an image metadata tag.",
  "Volker Lenhardt",
  "Volker Lenhardt",
    (PF_STRING, "metadata", "The metadata of an image as an xml string", ""),
    (PF_STRING, "metadata-name", "The tag name (case insensitive)", ""),
  [ (PF_STRING, "value", "Tag value"),],
  run_mode_param = False,)

Setting it to False did the trick.

Thank you for your attention, Volker

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