A script solution requested: conversion from text-only pdf to ...
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Author:  bkpsusmitaa [ Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  A script solution requested: conversion from text-only pdf to ...

Full Question: A script solution requested: conversion from text-only pdf to pagewise image files

I have a text-only pdf.

Can a GIMP batch script be designed to open one page at a time, in the increasing order of page numbering, save that page as a low-resolution image, say 50dpi with file name as Filename-PageNumber with a particular file extension of one colour, i.e., black and transparent?

Moreover, advice is also requested on
(1) Whether such files could be saved with .svg extension?
(2) The benefit of svg extension over bmp in this particular case please?

This question has been posted on the either of the and

Request to post all your suggestions on the as all of you are probably subscribed to the either fora, to avoid replication of efforts.

Apologies for posting on the either fora. Only for wider visibility.

Best wishes

Author:  AdmFubar [ Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A script solution requested: conversion from text-only pdf to ...

what you should try is Imagemagick. see here ... background

Author:  bkpsusmitaa [ Sat Jul 01, 2023 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  [Solved] A script solution requested: conversion from text-only pdf to

A solution has been provided by Mr. rich2005 in the other forum.
convert -density 50 name.pdf -colorspace Gray  name-gray-%03d.jpg

Thank you, Mr. AdmFubar and Mr. vitforlinux, for posting your suggestions. I really appreciate your intent to support fellow gimp users despite your hectic schedule.

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