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My filters of the year 2024: 2) Water Sketch

Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:21 am

last news:
have a look here viewtopic.php?f=11&t=20719&start=100, post#119, image 3

Glad to release my second "filter of the year 2024"
As I said when releasing my first one, during this year I will try to post various filters, either completely new or as a reshuffling of old existing code.
As usual I benefit from the support of my co-teamer Issabella, for the tests (before publishing it) and for the presentation of the various possible outcomes (after publishing it).
Thanks a lot my precious friend. :tyspin :tyspin :tyspin

This filter gives to the user the possibility to apply to an image an effect which I called "WaterSketch", using G'mic fiters.
The user can choose among many options (see next post).

Here the code, zipped.
(7.6 KiB) Downloaded 76 times

Note for the users who do not have an high performance computer:
the process is slow, about 3 minutes run, but it depends from the source inage:
- for images having a size of 3500 (width+height) and more, the runtime is stable, because the fiter uses a working image of 3500 (width+height)
- for images having a size < 3500, the runtime is proportionally reduced, because the filter uses the original size
During my tests I used often small images.

Re: My filters of the year 2024: 2) Water Sketch

Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:24 am

Options used by the filter.
Launching Panel.PNG
Launching Panel.PNG (23.67 KiB) Viewed 711 times

Border Options.PNG
Border Options.PNG (3.82 KiB) Viewed 711 times

Paper options.PNG
Paper options.PNG (2.54 KiB) Viewed 711 times


Re: My filters of the year 2024: 2) Water Sketch

Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:28 am


C2G layer modes and opacities options.PNG
C2G layer modes and opacities options.PNG (14.46 KiB) Viewed 711 times

(C2G is the layer converted in B&W using GEGL C2G)

Sketch On Top layer modes and opacities.PNG
Sketch On Top layer modes and opacities.PNG (14.33 KiB) Viewed 711 times

note: the DIVIDE mode can sometimes give interesting results, just try it, but we believe it can be used rarely

Re: My filters of the year 2024: 2) Water Sketch

Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:24 am

Just a little note for those who do not have downloaded this filter:
- did you have a deep look into the outcomes created by Issabella with this filter?
Some are so impressive for their proximity to real paintings, and modern in style.

Re: My filters of the year 2024: 2) Water Sketch

Tue Jan 30, 2024 2:41 am

I really had expected some outcomes done by the friends who downloaded the filter, after having seen -among the outcomes of Issabella- how many nice results you could achieve.

Re: My filters of the year 2024: 2) Water Sketch

Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:18 pm

31 downloads of your filter, Dinasset!! wow :jumpclap :jumpclap :jumpclap
Sure someone more will post their outcomes. :paint
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