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 Post subject: [Solved] Help get x,y coord of select (or sub-select based on sizes.)
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:09 pm  (#1) 
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Is there a way (faster than iterating every pixel in an image) to determine the the x,y coordinate of the darkest and lightest spot in an image? By darkest and lightest I refer to closest to true white and true black.

[edit] I really should have been more clear about this. I am attempting to do this from within a python script. However while I cannot write a script-fu script for beans, i can translate one. So any script based answers would be a real help.

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest sposts in image
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:37 pm  (#2) 
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Try, Colors | Threshold, Logarithmic histogram setting and limit the Threshold Range(s).

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:56 pm  (#3) 
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Hmmm... Obviously I failed to explain fully. I need to do this from within a script. I'll edit the OP.

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:46 pm  (#4) 
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Using Script-fu (I don't do Python)...

First define two procedures that perform a binary histogram search for the darkest and brightest values.

  (define (darkest drawable channel)
    (define (avg a b)
      (inexact->exact (truncate (/ (+ a b) 2))) )
    (let ((lower (let loop ((lower 1))
                   (if (zero? (car (cddddr (gimp-histogram drawable channel 0 (pred lower)))))
                     (loop (* 2 lower))
                     (inexact->exact (truncate (/ lower 2))) ))))
      ; binary search for largest zero count
      (let loop ((lower (max 1 lower))
                 (upper (* 2 lower))
                 (value (avg lower (* 2 lower)))
                 (last 0) )
        (if (= last value)
          (if (zero? (car (cddddr (gimp-histogram drawable channel 0 (pred value)))))
            (loop value
                  (avg value upper)
                  value )
            (loop lower
                  (avg lower value)
                  value ))))))

  (define (brightest drawable channel)
    (define (avg a b)
      (inexact->exact (truncate (/ (+ a b) 2))) )
    (let ((upper (let loop ((upper 256))
                   (if (zero? (car (cddddr (gimp-histogram drawable channel (pred upper) 255))))
                     (loop (/ upper 2))
                     (* upper 2)  ))))
      ; binary search for largest non-zero count
      (if (> upper 256)
        (let loop ((lower (max 1 (/ upper 2)))
                   (upper upper)
                   (value (avg (/ upper 2) upper))
                   (last 256) )
          (if (= last value)
            (pred value)
            (if (zero? (car (cddddr (gimp-histogram drawable channel (pred value) 255))))
              (loop lower
                    (avg lower value)
                    value )
              (loop value
                    (avg value upper)
                    value )))))))

Next, create a grayscale layer of the image (otherwise multiple colors can share the same brightness value).

Use gimp-image-select-color to select the darkest regions. Your selection will only be a single point (x,y) if there is just one pixel having the darkest color.
(gimp-image-select-color image
                         (make-list 3 (darkest gray-layer HISTOGRAM-VALUE)))

Do your stuff on the image based on the selection.

Repeat for the brightest color. (Delete the gray layer when done.)

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:05 am  (#5) 
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Saulgoode: Thanks so much for your response. I'll have to analyze and convert this before I understand it fully. I had a feeling histogram was going to be involved somewhere.

The only problem I see so far is the fact that the layer this script has to be applied to is a greyscale noise layer (render->plasma, and color->destaturate) so the return will not be a single pix. But I only need to know the address of one pix of the darkest color.

Just in case you discover more about this than I know at the moment (from reading this) maybe I should supply more detail.

The image consists of a base layer filled with grey scale noise.
A second layer is placed over this filled with white, and set to 'Lighten Only'.
Then colors->levels and with the output levels redefined to 0 and 250 on the white layer.
Then I need to magic wand select ('sample merged') a point on the upper layer which corresponds to the darkest point in the lower layer, so as to define an irregular selection.
Then I invert the selection, as the internal portion is what I actually want to work with.

This will have to be redone several times, with the only 'per step' changes being the output values from levels script. The final value will approach 0 over 32-36 iteration, and each time the new selection will have to include the previous one, but not be a simple selection->grow, as that tends to round off further and further with each iteration.

Hopefully I will find this script does what I need, but if not, then maybe this extra info can point to a better resolution.

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:29 am  (#6) 
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Firstly, (with all due respect to Saul) you can obviate the iterative-histogram step by simply normalizing the greyscale layer first, either manually Colours> Auto> Normalize or from Python:
pdb.plug_in_normalize(image, drawable)

This will map the darkest point(s) in the greyscale to absolute black, the lightest to absolute white and all points in between pro-rata. Then just select-by-colour (absolute black) to find your darkest pixels...

The biggest problem I see is actually locating the dark point(s) as pixel coordinates. The select-by-colour will generate a selection which includes all the pixels set to absolute black, but it doesn't tell you where in the image those selected pixels are. And AFAIK there is no easy way of doing that.
The only positional information that Gimp will give you (if you ask nicely) is the bounding box of the selection which is the smallest rectangle enclosing the entire selection - if there is only one darkest pixel, that bounding box will be the pixel itself, but if there are multiple equally dark points in the original image, the bounding box may well cover a large part of the image and the coordinates of the box will not therefore relate to any pixel in particular.
However, you may be able to use selection-to-path and then take the first point in the path as a pixel coordinate..
pdb.plug_in_sel2path(image, drawable)

More anon.

 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:35 am  (#7) 
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jontait2 wrote:
Firstly, (with all due respect to Saul) you can obviate the iterative-histogram step by simply normalizing the greyscale layer first, ...
Then just select-by-colour (absolute black) to find your darkest pixels...

Good plan. Much faster and simpler than searching with histogram.

jontait2 wrote:
The biggest problem I see is actually locating the dark point(s) as pixel coordinates. The select-by-colour will generate a selection which includes all the pixels set to absolute black, but it doesn't tell you where in the image those selected pixels are. And AFAIK there is no easy way of doing that.
The only positional information that Gimp will give you (if you ask nicely) is the bounding box of the selection which is the smallest rectangle enclosing the entire selection - if there is only one darkest pixel, that bounding box will be the pixel itself, but if there are multiple equally dark points in the original image, the bounding box may well cover a large part of the image and the coordinates of the box will not therefore relate to any pixel in particular.
However, you may be able to use selection-to-path and then take the first point in the path as a pixel coordinate..

Since jazzon appears to only need a single point within the selected region, one could intersect the selection with one of the 1-pixel wide edges of the bounding box to obtain usable coordinates.
(let* ((bounds (cdr (gimp-selection-bounds image)))
       (x (car bounds))
       (y (cadr bounds)))
  (gimp-image-select-rectangle image
                               (- (caddr bounds) x)
  (set! x (cadr (gimp-selection-bounds image)))
  ; [x,y] are now the coordinates of the topmost selected pixel
  (gimp-image-select-contiguous-color image CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE layer x y)

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:04 pm  (#8) 
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Jontait2: I have never worked with paths before. How would I take the first pixel of the path as you describe above?

Saulgoode: I assume the following is missing from your second code piece (or am I interpreting this wrong... Is the intention to reuse the previously attained y value?)

(set! y (caddr (gimp-selection-bounds image)))

And HOW DOES ONE ENTER CODE AS A CODE BLOCK AS THE TWO PEOPLE TRING TO ASSIST ME HAVE DONE?!?!?! (I'll go bald at this rate of pulling hair out!)

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:34 pm  (#9) 
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jazzon wrote:
Saulgoode: I assume the following is missing from your second code piece (or am I interpreting this wrong... Is the intention to reuse the previously attained y value?)

(set! y (caddr (gimp-selection-bounds image)))
The code finds the leftmost selected pixel of the topmost raster line of the selection's bounding box. The topmost line ("y") does not change but the leftmost pixel ("x") might (there may be pixels selected further to the left lower down on the screen).

jazzon wrote:
And HOW DOES ONE ENTER CODE AS A CODE BLOCK AS THE TWO PEOPLE TRING TO ASSIST ME HAVE DONE?!?!?! (I'll go bald at this rate of pulling hair out!)

In the following, replace the curly braces with square brackets:

{code} (define (fold op accum lis)
(if (null? lis)
(fold op (op (car lis) accum) (cdr lis)) )){/code}

This will appear as follows:

    (define (fold op accum lis)
      (if (null? lis)
        (fold op (op (car lis) accum) (cdr lis)) ))

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:49 pm  (#10) 
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Thank you both for the information and the lesson in bbcode. Now to try to apply the script in python ...

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:05 am  (#11) 
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Houston we have a problem!
Both of the methods described above result in an issue.

Method One (Path Point)
The path route (mentioned above) I have figured out, but it leads to a new issue. Since the base image is a cloud type pattern of noise (essentially a greyscale height map), the regions of black can be in separate locations. Since these locations are eventually selected via the fuzzy select tool, I would wind up having to create a recurrent loop selecting every point on the path, in a selection additive mode.
While this is possible, the base image is 6000 x 3000 pixels, and there is the possibility of MANY of these paths. So iteration is something I am trying to avoid whenever possible.

Method Two (Intersection of Selections)
Due to the irregular shape of the clouds, and the various positions of the black pixel clusters, the region selected would have it's upper left corner of the bounding box over a non black area. This would negate the possibility of using an intersecting selection with the bounding box.
Again iterating through the pixels of the selected area is possible, but this iteration is probably going to be even worse than the path option.

This image is a partial screen capture of a much larger image. The regions in question were selected, and then saved to paths, and the paths made visible for purposes of clearly showing the issue.

Any suggestions?

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:43 am  (#12) 
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Hmm. Look at your problem the other way around. Your image is 18 million pixels. You have possible 256 values. If the pixels value are completely random (and unrelated to the values of their neighbors) you'll be dealing with 70K pixels.

And what is the purpose of the fuzzy selection (because using this selection in a script is fraught with peril)? If you need to reselect pixels at a given location, create a channel, set pixels kin the channel individually, and then use the channel as a selection mask.


 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:14 am  (#13) 
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And what is the purpose of the fuzzy selection

The purpose of this selection is to create the channel in question for future use. But small areas (just one or two adjacent pixels) need to be omited from the selection, so select by colour wont work here.

ofnuts wrote:
because using this selection in a script is fraught with peril

That's the reason I am trying so hard to figure this out, in a sane manner.

My earlier description of a height map wasn't an alliteration, it is literally a landmass height map. But due to data loss from source, and small isolated height changes, selecting every pixel of a given color is both unnecessary and inappropriate. The goal is to select the various shades of grey in contiguous regions to generate contour lines. Not every color needs to be selected individually however. For example if I start with black (0, 0, 0) the next step up would be (4, 4, 4) (a scale difference of 1000 ft). But since the original selection of the black would be superimposed on this as a lower color (sea floor maps) the second selection must include the previous one. The same is true for each iteration away from black.

To simplify this a layer of white (in Lighten Only mode) is layed over the greyscale. Since I have (I hope to anyway), determined the darkest point on the greyscale layer, I can then select that point on the lighten only layer, after adjusting it's color levels down 4 points (so in truth I am selecting at the darkest location, the actual lightest location. But by selecting at the darkest points each time, every selection will include the previous one.) These selections are then inverted, and saved to channels for use as masks later. Thus a mask which shows depths of 0-4000 hides 4001 and deeper, but does not hide 0-3000.

(I'm tired, I've been up all night, so I may have said some of that backwards.)

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:31 am  (#14) 
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Pseudo code for this would look something like this:
darkspots = array of darkest clusters (15pixels in size or more)
color = 255
while color > 0
  g_color = color converted to gimp color type
  bucket_fill with g_color
  set_layer_mode = lighten only
  colors_levels_ouput_range(0, color - 4)
  color -= 4

In the end, 65 channels are created each one representing a mask which will show a given altitude and all points above that altitude (or if applied reversed, all points below that altitude) in 1000 foot increments.

My problem lies in identifying the clusters.

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:01 am  (#15) 
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jazzon wrote:
In the end, 65 channels are created each one representing a mask which will show a given altitude and all points above that altitude (or if applied reversed, all points below that altitude) in 1000 foot increments.

My problem lies in identifying the clusters.

If I understand you correctly, it is not necessary to identify the clusters; you want to identify the levels.

Consider the following XCF file (use the "Original file" download link):

Starting with a solid noise rendering, I used "Colors->Posterize..." to create 6 levels (this would be changed to 65 levels for your example). I did an "Colors->Auto->Equalize" just to give a more even distribution -- this should not be done if you are using actual map data.

I then figured out the values of the six colors (i.e., 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, and 255) and, after ensuring nothing was selected, looped through them from brightest (255) to darkest (0), each time through the loop adding the region of the current color to the selection and saving the selection to a new channel. The first time through the loop, all of the white regions are selected, the second time through all of the regions with color [204, 204, 204] are added to the selection, third time [153, 153, 153], and so on.

The Script-fu code for this loop is (shades is a list of the six colors):
(let loop ((levels (reverse shades))
           (channels '()))
  (if (null? (cdr levels))
    (reverse channels)
      (gimp-image-select-color image CHANNEL-OP-ADD posterized (make-list 3 (car levels)))
      (loop (cdr levels) (cons (car (gimp-selection-save image)) channels)))))

In the XCF file, you will see the five channels that are generated.
SScontour-masks.png [ 7.69 KiB | Viewed 1887 times ]

EDIT: I screwed up the labels of the channels in the above screenshot (there should be no '=' signs), nonetheless the masks themselves are correct and the approach should be explained sufficiently for you to confirm or deny whether this is satisfactory for your needs.

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:33 am  (#16) 
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Thank you so much saulgoode!

At first glance this looks perfect! Will implement it in python and give it a shot!

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:54 pm  (#17) 
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While this does make the implementation much easier it still has the flaw of selected area sizes.

These altitudes will eventually have contour lines drawn around their perimeter. And since the final image is being printed at professional photographic quality (300 dpi) this means the contour lines require a minimum width of 4 pixels to be discernible. Whether these lines are printed partially overlapping, or entirely within their own altitude, the net total is 8 pixels lost to contours along each axis (x and y). So a selection which includes an area which is not a minimum of 9 continuous pixels square, of the same color level, simply disappears beneath the contour lines. In fact a region of 16 pixels of continuous color is only marginally visible.

So the problem is eliminating the smaller areas from the selection, or selecting only areas of sufficient size to allow the rendering (in print form) to be meaningful. This is why I originally opted to try to use the fuzzy select, across various known dark points.

The data set is essentially accurate enough to be used for scientific purposes, but is in fact only being used aesthetically. It is essentially a work of art. It is for this reason that smaller areas can be omitted, and assumed to be part of the lower elevation (with the exception of the absolute black and absolute white which mark the deepest and highest points respectively). So posterizing to 65 after normalizing to fill in the histogram, are valid options; and have in fact been part of the plan all along. Unfortunately this still leaves areas which should not be selected.

Since at this point it seems that selecting the specific points is infeasible due to script safety and performance issues, the alternative is to try to remove those areas. Blurring has been tried, but distorts the continental shelves and coastline to much, as it tends to round these features off and make them too regular. Using selection grow ans shrink on a select by color also yields these types of results, although it does effectively eliminate smaller areas when you shrink a selection by 8 and then regrow it by 8, but the corners all tend toward circles.

Any one have any other ideas I can try?

(Worst case scenario I iterate all of the pixels once, and at each one I scan 8 more in the +/- x and +/- y directions to determine which areas are at least 16 wide. After all it would only have to be done one time....but it seems so sloppy!, and OMG would it be slow! )

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 4:18 am  (#18) 
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jazzon wrote:
And what is the purpose of the fuzzy selection

The purpose of this selection is to create the channel in question for future use. But small areas (just one or two adjacent pixels) need to be omited from the selection, so select by colour wont work here.

What I have done for someone with the same problem is:

- obtain a selection
- obtain a path form the selection
- remove all the strokes under a given size (perimeter, but computing an area is also doable)
- obtain a selection from the new path

Of course, selection->path->selection doesn't return exactly the original selection but it is usually close enough. For a more accurate result, just grow the selection obtained from the cleaned-up path by a couple of pixels, and intersect it with the original selection. This gives you the original selection, minus the isolated spots.

But if you are trying to draw level lines, stroking the obtained paths is the way to go...


 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 2:59 pm  (#19) 
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The issue that first comes to mind with that is similar to the original problem of using selecting by color in the first place.

If I select by color, I have already selected areas which are both valid and invalid for use (large enough and not large enough). So when I save teh selection to a path I have a single path object which contains multiple entities. If that doesn't make sense than try this:
new layer
filters->render->clouds->plasma (smaller your image the more turbulence you want just for the example)
colors->desaturate (choose the one with darkest results)
colors->posterize (any value over 64 should suffice)
select by color (threshold 0)
select->save to path
path dialogue-> make the path visible

Gimp sees one path, but visually it is many. Anything less than 16x16 is small enough it needs to be ignored. So I guess the real problem is separating/splitting the selection(s) by sizes.

As for your idea about calculating area, I have a script (by isoimage over at which shows area and perimeter of selection, but unless I can separate the parts of the selection by size, it is not useful.

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 Post subject: Re: Find x,y coord of darkest and lightest spots in image
PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:35 pm  (#20) 
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jazzon wrote:
The issue that first comes to mind with that is similar to the original problem of using selecting by color in the first place.

If I select by color, I have already selected areas which are both valid and invalid for use (large enough and not large enough). So when I save teh selection to a path I have a single path object which contains multiple entities. If that doesn't make sense than try this:
new layer
filters->render->clouds->plasma (smaller your image the more turbulence you want just for the example)
colors->desaturate (choose the one with darkest results)
colors->posterize (any value over 64 should suffice)
select by color (threshold 0)
select->save to path
path dialogue-> make the path visible

Gimp sees one path, but visually it is many. Anything less than 16x16 is small enough it needs to be ignored. So I guess the real problem is separating/splitting the selection(s) by sizes.

As for your idea about calculating area, I have a script (by isoimage over at which shows area and perimeter of selection, but unless I can separate the parts of the selection by size, it is not useful.

The path is made of several distinct "strokes". There is an API to obtain their length, but if you have performance problems you can approximate the perimeter/area of the strokes by just using the polygon obtained from the anchor points. You can also bluntly consider that any stroke above some number of anchors is going to be big enough to be kept (this skips the length computation for many strokes especially those that would take more time to compute).

See attached script.

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