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GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Tue Sep 06, 2022 10:27 pm

THE LATEST VERSION OF CUSTOM BEVEL HERE (2023) is here. ... l/releases

Directory to put binaries


Linux (Flatpak)

--original post--

Custom Bevel is a new filter that can do all sorts of things. It may eventually deprecate clay bevel one day. It is like clay bevel except you can choose between a lot more, Including GEGL blend modes on the emboss. Six blending options exist -- "multiply, hardlight, colordodge, plus, darken, lighten. This is NOT the same as the final/master blend mode that uses Gimp blend modes for every GEGL filter. What Custom Bevel does is changes the blend mode of the emboss filter to one of six blend modes. This can create all kinds of interesting results.

This filter can also change the internal median shape (which doesn't do much) and choose between an internal box blur and gaussian blur or both to make the bevel. For some reason lens-blur causes the graph to glitch even if used on its own so sadly I had to disclude it. Gimp developer Liam (barefootliam) helped me add the switchable blend mode options and from what we know now it cannot use Gimp blend modes; only GEGL blend modes. There might be a way but I don't know how to do it.

Lastly, certain settings in Custom Bevel (mostly with box blur) can create a chisel edged bevel that is neither like clay nor glossy balloon. There is also another type of bevel it does that I don't know how to explain. LOL, So check that out!

Enjoy custom bevel.









Here is its graph. Replace hard-light with plus, darken, lighten, color-dodge, multiply, to see the blend mode changes replicated.
median-blur neighborhood=diamond radius=-10  alpha-percentile=-90
box-blur radius=6
gaussian-blur std-dev-x=1 std-dev-y=1
id=1 hard-light  aux=[  ref=1 emboss azimuth=23 elevation=11 depth=37 ]
opacity value=4

mean-curvature-blur iterations=4

unsharp-mask scale=0.0

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Tue Sep 06, 2022 11:13 pm

Also this is my final filter for real with one exception. The only thing I will be doing is maintain and improving existing filters and trying to recreate GEGL Effects as GEGL Styles (which will be the same filter as just one binary) with more features. GEGL Styles may or may not ever come into existence but lets hope it does.

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:03 am

It has some impressive points to it. I've yet to figure out how it will possibly replace balloon, since the roundness is "almost" there but not completely. At least not yet.

Good work!

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:08 am

Not too shabby.

custom-bevel.png (190.41 KiB) Viewed 2769 times

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:54 am

C_Bevel_RD.png (184.15 KiB) Viewed 2761 times

Not too bad. :)

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:26 am

mahvin wrote:It has some impressive points to it. I've yet to figure out how it will possibly replace balloon, since the roundness is "almost" there but not completely. At least not yet.

Good work!

Thanks. :tyspin
Glossy Balloon has an extra internal median and extra internal gaussian blur. Balloon and Clay both use the multiply blend mode. So if anything Custom Bevel replaces Clay when used on the multiply setting.

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:21 pm

Custom Bevel is going to get a color overlay and then I am going to move on to the finale filter. GEGL Styles.

It will be difficult to add a color overlay without hidden ZZOperations but I am determined to do it!

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Sat Sep 10, 2022 12:25 am

Update is done.

Custom Bevel now has a "forced" color overlay.

The color overlay is not as quality as manually setting a color before because it comes after the blend mode not before it. The only way to make a color-overlay come before the blend mode is to do more work and I am not interested as it is good enough and users can do things like this.


The same problem technically applies to clay but it is not noticeable because both clay and the color overlay are using the multiply blend mode.

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Sat Sep 10, 2022 11:36 am


Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Sat Sep 10, 2022 3:08 pm

mahvin wrote:[ Image ]

You are welcome!

We just got an emergency update that prevents the median radius from going beyond 0 into negative digits. This prevents unwanted bump effects in the bevel.

Re: Custom Bevel - Change internal emboss blend modes, Blur types and

Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:39 pm

Cool, thanks!

cbevel.png (186.37 KiB) Viewed 2063 times

Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Sun Sep 11, 2022 6:00 am

Is there a way to tab or add scrollbars to GEGL filters before compile contrast?

Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Sun Sep 11, 2022 6:54 am

Rod wrote:Is there a way to tab or add scrollbars to GEGL filters before compile contrast?

I am talking to a Gimp dev about adding tabs to the currently non-existent GEGL Styles filters. This is what it will be like. If successful.

Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:59 am

contrast_ wrote:
Rod wrote:Is there a way to tab or add scrollbars to GEGL filters before compile contrast?

I am talking to a Gimp dev about adding tabs to the currently non-existent GEGL Styles filters. This is what it will be like. If successful.
[ Image ]

Excellent! :bigthup
This is one with custom bevel and 3D extrusion. With a GEGL gausian blurred shadow as well. I also used one of your texture images contrast. Thank you for those as well.

Font is called "Know Your Product" From

Rocky-Custom-Bevel-3D-Extrude_RD.png (329.83 KiB) Viewed 2015 times

Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:21 pm

FEATURE UPDATE - Custom bevel now has 3 new blend modes. They are all Gimp blend modes.





Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:23 pm

Overlay can do some interesting things like glossy text.

Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:39 pm

It now has Gimp's addition blend mode and a Image File and Recolor blend mode (which is actually just emboss alone)

Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Sat Sep 17, 2022 6:28 pm

Is this available for windows users?

Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:54 pm

mackenzieh wrote:Is this available for windows users?

(31.8 KiB) Downloaded 71 times

Place the cbevel.dll file in your C:\\Users\<YOURNAME>\AppData\Local\gegl-4.0\plugins folder and restart Gimp.

Re: GEGL Custom Bevel - Change internal blend modes, blur types & more

Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:46 am

Custom Bevel and GEGL Effects are my best two (technically four) filters. Since Effects comes with another generic bevel and inner glow. Everything else I made is just "too specialized". Where as these four filters (effects, custom-bevel, bevel, innerglow) are generic and designed to do a multitude of task.

If any new comers want to try my third party GEGL Filters. These are the ones I recommend the most.
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