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 Post subject: Dropper
PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:23 am  (#1) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: Jan 13, 2011
Posts: 2260
Location: Poland
In Gimp 2.7.3 are problems with the color picker - so the solution from RobA:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The idea taken from RobA Shellout

from gimpfu import *
import shlex
import subprocess
import os, sys
def listcommands(option=None):
  programlist = [
  ["ColorMania", "\"c:\\Program Files\\ColorMania\\ColorMania.exe\""],                    #<<--EDIT path the program directory ColorMania.exe
  ["Shock Dropper", "\"c:\\Program Files\\ShockDropper_Portable\\ShockDropper.exe\""],    #<<--EDIT path the program directory ShockDropper.exe
  ["Gpick", "\"c:\\Program Files\\Gpick\\gpick.exe\""],                                   #<<--EDIT path the program directory gpick.exe
  if option == None:
    menulist = []
    for i in programlist:
      if i[0] != "":
    return menulist
    return programlist[option]
def plugin_main(img, drawable, command):
  progtorun = listcommands(command)
  command = progtorun[1]
  args = shlex.split(command)
  child = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=False)

        "Selection of colors",
        "Selection of colors",
        "<Image>/Tools/Selection of colors",
        [ (PF_OPTION,"command",("Program:"),0,listcommands())



Attachments: [735 Bytes]
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Droper.png [ 16.4 KiB | Viewed 2258 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Dropper
PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:56 pm  (#2) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14715
Location: USA
Thanks MareroQ. :)

Nice helpful addition to Gimp, but what do you mean the color picker is messed up?It seems fine to me.

Never mind i see what you mean now...that's weird.

You should submit the bug to Partha. :)

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: Dropper
PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:48 pm  (#3) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14715
Location: USA
Partha one thing i did notice is that Aurora still doesn't work well with images in the previews for layers, brushes and gradients and stuff.
I switched the theme to Aurora-Midnight-0.1 and it is exactly the same color theme except it works. :)
Here are the 2 different gtkrc files.

# ===[ buttons ]===
#  the prelight of toggle buttons is darkened slightly

# ===[ scroll bars ]===
#  bg[ACTIVE] is trough color
#  bg[NORMAL] & bg[NORMAL] are scrollbar colors

# ===[ check and radio buttons ]===
#  bg[SELECTED] is the selected background colour
#  text[SELECTED] is the selected check/circle color
#  text[INSENSITIVE] is the disabled check/circle colour
#  base[*] is used for all other background states
#  --on prelight the bg is lightened slightly
#  --bg is lightened slightly when check/radio not drawn (for all states)

#default color scheme
gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#D4D4D4\nbg_color:#333333\nbase_color:#474747\ntext_color:#D4D4D4\nselected_bg_color:#0081DE\nselected_fg_color:#ffffff"
gtk-menu-popup-delay = 50

style "theme-default"

  GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  GtkButton::child-displacement-x = 0
  GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 1
  #GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0

  GtkRange::trough-border = 0
  GtkRange::slider-width = 19
  GtkRange::stepper-size = 17

  GtkScrollbar::min_slider_length = 30
  GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-backward-stepper = 1
  GtkPaned::handle_size  = 8

  GtkMenuBar::internal-padding  = 0
  GtkTreeView::expander_size     = 13 #15
  GtkExpander::expander_size     = 13 #17
  GtkScale::slider-length = 25
  GtkScale::slider-width  = 17
  GtkScale::trough-border = 0

  GtkWidget::link-color = "#0062dc" # blue
  GtkWidget::visited-link-color = "#8c00dc" #purple

  WnckTasklist::fade-overlay-rect = 0
  WnckTasklist::fade-loop-time = 5.0 # 5 seconds
  WnckTasklist::fade-opacity = 0.5 # final opacity

  #makes menu only overlap border
  GtkMenu::horizontal-offset = -1

  #removes extra padding at top and bottom of menus.  Makes menuitem overlap border
  GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 0

  #set to the same as roundness, used for better hotspot selection of tabs
  GtkNotebook::tab-curvature = 3
  GtkNotebook::tab-overlap = 4

  GtkMenuItem::arrow-spacing = 10
  #Spacing between edge with indicator and text
  GtkOptionMenu  ::indicator-size = {11, 5}
  #GtkOptionMenu  ::indicator-spacing = {6, 5, 4, 4}

  GtkCheckButton ::indicator-size = 15
  GtkCheckButton ::indicator-spacing = 1
  GtkRadioButton ::indicator-size = 15

  GtkTreeView::horizontal_separator = 2
  GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = mix(0.98, shade (0.93,@base_color), @selected_bg_color)

  GtkEntry::cursor_color = @text_color
  GtkTextView::cursor_color = @text_color

  GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 0
  GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbars-within-bevel = 1

  xthickness = 1
  ythickness = 1

  fg[NORMAL]          =  @fg_color
  fg[ACTIVE]          =  @fg_color
  fg[PRELIGHT]        =  @fg_color
  fg[SELECTED]        =  @selected_fg_color
  fg[INSENSITIVE]     =  @selected_fg_color

  bg[NORMAL]          =  @bg_color
  bg[ACTIVE]           =  shade (1.025,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT]        =  shade (1.10,@bg_color)
  bg[SELECTED]          =  @selected_bg_color
  bg[INSENSITIVE]     =  shade (1.025,@bg_color)

  base[NORMAL]        =  @base_color
  base[ACTIVE]        =  shade (0.65,@base_color)
  base[PRELIGHT]      =  @base_color
  base[SELECTED]   =  @selected_bg_color
  base[INSENSITIVE]   =  shade (1.025,@bg_color)

  text[NORMAL]        =  @text_color
  text[ACTIVE]      =  shade (0.65,@text_color)
  text[PRELIGHT]      =  @text_color
  text[SELECTED]      =  @selected_fg_color
  text[INSENSITIVE]   =  shade (1.70,@bg_color)

  engine "aurora"
     menubarstyle      = 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient, 2 = sunken
     curvature       = 6.2
     arrowsize       = 1 # controls combo_arrow circle size.  Diameter set by (11 + 2 * arrowsize)
     old_arrowstyle  = FALSE #set to TRUE for original circled arrows
     animation       = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled

style "theme-wide" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 2
  ythickness = 2

style "theme-wider" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 3
  ythickness = 3

style "theme-widest" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 4
  ythickness = 3

style "theme-button" = "theme-widest"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.35,@bg_color)
  bg[ACTIVE]   =  shade (0.85,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  mix(0.60, shade (1.35,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color)

  #for arrows
  text[SELECTED]   =  shade (0.75,@selected_fg_color)

style "theme-entry" = "theme-button" {
  xthickness = 4
  ythickness = 4

style "theme-frame" = "theme-wide"
  GtkWidget::draw-border = {1,1,1,1}

style "theme-toolbar" = "theme-default"
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.2,@bg_color)

style "theme-handlebox" = "theme-default"
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.95,@bg_color)

style "theme-scale" = "theme-default"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.50,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  shade (1.90,@bg_color)

style "theme-range" = "theme-wide"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.35,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  mix(0.70, shade (1.35,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color)


  text[PRELIGHT] =  @selected_fg_color
  text[ACTIVE]   =  shade (0.30,@selected_fg_color)
  text[INSENSITIVE]   =  shade (0.60,@bg_color)

style "theme-notebook" = "theme-wider"
  bg[NORMAL] =  shade (1.10,@bg_color)
  fg[ACTIVE] =  shade (0.6,@fg_color)
  bg[ACTIVE] =  shade (0.90,@bg_color)
  bg[SELECTED] =  mix(0.70, @selected_bg_color, shade (1.10,@bg_color))

style "theme-paned" = "theme-default" {
  bg[NORMAL] =  shade (1.1,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  shade (1.2,@bg_color)

style "theme-menu" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 0
  ythickness = 0
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.11627907,@bg_color)
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.6,@bg_color)

style "theme-menu-item" = "theme-wider"
  fg[PRELIGHT]     =  @selected_fg_color
  text[PRELIGHT] =  @selected_fg_color

style "theme-menubar" = "theme-default" {
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.7,@bg_color)
style "theme-menubar-item" = "theme-menu-item" {}

style "theme-tree" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 2
  ythickness = 1

  GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0

  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.1,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.75,@bg_color)
  bg[ACTIVE]   =  mix(0.65, shade (1.1,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color)


style "theme-tree-arrow" = "theme-default"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  mix(0.70, shade (0.75,@bg_color), shade (0.80,@selected_bg_color))
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  mix(0.80, @bg_color, @selected_bg_color)

style "theme-tooltips" = "theme-widest"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (0.80,@selected_bg_color)
  fg[NORMAL]   =  @selected_fg_color

style "theme-progressbar" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 2
  ythickness = 2
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.4,@bg_color)
  fg[PRELIGHT]        = @selected_fg_color

style "theme-combo" = "theme-button" {
  GtkButton::inner-border = { 0, 1, 0, 0 }
  xthickness = 4
  ythickness = 4

style "theme-combo-box" = "theme-button" {
  xthickness = 4
  ythickness = 2

style "theme-combo-arrow" = "theme-button"
  xthickness = 1
  ythickness = 1

  text[SELECTED]      =  shade (0.8, @selected_fg_color)


style "theme-view" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 0
  ythickness = 0

style "theme-check-radio-buttons" = "theme-button"
  GtkWidget ::interior-focus = 0
  GtkWidget::focus-padding = 1
  text[SELECTED] =  @selected_fg_color

# widget styles
class "GtkWidget"       style "theme-default"
class "GtkScale"        style "theme-scale"
class "GtkRange"        style "theme-range"
class "GtkPaned"        style "theme-paned"
class "GtkFrame"        style "theme-frame"
class "GtkMenu"         style "theme-menu"
class "GtkMenuBar"      style "theme-menubar"
class "GtkEntry"        style "theme-entry"
class "GtkProgressBar"  style "theme-progressbar"
class "GtkToolbar"      style "theme-toolbar"
class "GtkSeparator"    style "theme-wide"

widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "theme-menu-item"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>.<GtkMenuItem>*" style "theme-menubar-item"

widget_class "*<GtkButton>"      style "theme-button"
widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>" style  "theme-check-radio-buttons"
widget_class "*<GtkHandleBox>"   style "theme-handlebox"

widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>"    style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkEventBox>" style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>" style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkViewport>" style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>.GtkLabel*" style "theme-notebook" #for tabs

# combobox stuff
widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*"    style "theme-combo"
widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>*<GtkButton>"    style "theme-combo-box"
widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "theme-combo"
widget_class "*<GtkSpinButton>*"    style "theme-combo"

# tooltips stuff
widget "gtk-tooltip*"  style "theme-tooltips"

# treeview stuff
widget_class "*<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "theme-tree"
widget_class "*<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>"    style "theme-tree"
widget_class "*<GtkList>.<GtkButton>"    style "theme-tree"
widget_class "*<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>"    style "theme-tree"

#For arrow bg
widget_class "*<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>*<GtkArrow>" style "theme-tree-arrow"
widget_class "*<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>*<GtkArrow>"    style "theme-tree-arrow"
widget_class "*<GtkList>.<GtkButton>*<GtkArrow>"    style "theme-tree-arrow"

##  GNOME specific

widget_class "*.ETree.ECanvas"    style "theme-tree" #evolution
widget_class "*.ETable.ECanvas"    style "theme-tree" #evolution

style "panelbuttons" = "theme-button"
  # as buttons are draw lower this helps center text
  ythickness = 3

widget_class "*Panel*GtkToggleButton*" style "panelbuttons"

#nautilus search stripe and other specialties
style "extra-view" {
   bg[NORMAL] = shade(0.6,@bg_color)
   fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color

#nautilus search stripe
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style:highest "extra-view"
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget.*.GtkLabel*" style:highest "extra-view"
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget.*Button*.GtkLabel*" style:highest "theme-button"

Aurora-Midnight (doesn't work) -
# ===[ buttons ]===
#  the prelight of toggle buttons is darkened slightly

# ===[ scroll bars ]===
#  bg[ACTIVE] is trough color
#  bg[NORMAL] & bg[NORMAL] are scrollbar colors

# ===[ check and radio buttons ]===
#  bg[SELECTED] is the selected background colour
#  text[SELECTED] is the selected check/circle color
#  text[INSENSITIVE] is the disabled check/circle colour
#  base[*] is used for all other background states
#  --on prelight the bg is lightened slightly
#  --bg is lightened slightly when check/radio not drawn (for all states)

#default color scheme
gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#D4D4D4\nbg_color:#333333\nbase_color:#474747\ntext_color:#D4D4D4\nselected_bg_color:#0081DE\nselected_fg_color:#ffffff"
gtk-menu-popup-delay = 50

style "theme-default"

  GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  GtkButton::child-displacement-x = 0
  GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 1
  #GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0

  GtkRange::trough-border = 0
  GtkRange::slider-width = 19
  GtkRange::stepper-size = 17

  GtkScrollbar::min_slider_length = 30
  GtkScrollbar::has-secondary-backward-stepper = 1
  GtkPaned::handle_size  = 8

  GtkMenuBar::internal-padding  = 0
  GtkTreeView::expander_size     = 13 #15
  GtkExpander::expander_size     = 13 #17
  GtkScale::slider-length = 25
  GtkScale::slider-width  = 17
  GtkScale::trough-border = 0

  GtkWidget::link-color = "#0062dc" # blue
  GtkWidget::visited-link-color = "#8c00dc" #purple

  WnckTasklist::fade-overlay-rect = 0
  WnckTasklist::fade-loop-time = 5.0 # 5 seconds
  WnckTasklist::fade-opacity = 0.5 # final opacity

  #makes menu only overlap border
  GtkMenu::horizontal-offset = -1

  #removes extra padding at top and bottom of menus.  Makes menuitem overlap border
  GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 0

  #set to the same as roundness, used for better hotspot selection of tabs
  GtkNotebook::tab-curvature = 3
  GtkNotebook::tab-overlap = 4

  GtkMenuItem::arrow-spacing = 10
  #Spacing between edge with indicator and text
  GtkOptionMenu  ::indicator-size = {11, 5}
  #GtkOptionMenu  ::indicator-spacing = {6, 5, 4, 4}

  GtkCheckButton ::indicator-size = 15
  GtkCheckButton ::indicator-spacing = 1
  GtkRadioButton ::indicator-size = 15

  GtkTreeView::horizontal_separator = 2
  GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = mix(0.98, shade (0.93,@base_color), @selected_bg_color)

  GtkEntry::cursor_color = @text_color
  GtkTextView::cursor_color = @text_color

  GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 0
  GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbars-within-bevel = 1

  xthickness = 1
  ythickness = 1

  fg[NORMAL]          =  @fg_color
  fg[ACTIVE]          =  @fg_color
  fg[PRELIGHT]        =  @fg_color
  fg[SELECTED]        =  @selected_fg_color
  fg[INSENSITIVE]     =  @selected_fg_color

  bg[NORMAL]          =  @bg_color
  bg[ACTIVE]           =  shade (1.025,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT]        =  shade (1.10,@bg_color)
  bg[SELECTED]          =  @selected_bg_color
  bg[INSENSITIVE]     =  shade (1.025,@bg_color)

  base[NORMAL]        =  @base_color
  base[ACTIVE]        =  shade (0.65,@base_color)
  base[PRELIGHT]      =  @base_color
  base[SELECTED]   =  @selected_bg_color
  base[INSENSITIVE]   =  shade (1.025,@bg_color)

  text[NORMAL]        =  @text_color
  text[ACTIVE]      =  shade (0.65,@text_color)
  text[PRELIGHT]      =  @text_color
  text[SELECTED]      =  @selected_fg_color
  text[INSENSITIVE]   =  shade (1.70,@bg_color)

  engine "aurora"
     menubarstyle      = 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = gradient, 2 = sunken
     curvature       = 6.2
     arrowsize       = 1 # controls combo_arrow circle size.  Diameter set by (11 + 2 * arrowsize)
     old_arrowstyle  = FALSE #set to TRUE for original circled arrows
     animation       = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled

style "theme-wide" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 2
  ythickness = 2

style "theme-wider" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 3
  ythickness = 3

style "theme-widest" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 4
  ythickness = 3

style "theme-button" = "theme-widest"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.35,@bg_color)
  bg[ACTIVE]   =  shade (0.85,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  mix(0.60, shade (1.35,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color)

  #for arrows
  text[SELECTED]   =  shade (0.75,@selected_fg_color)

style "theme-entry" = "theme-button" {
  xthickness = 4
  ythickness = 4

style "theme-frame" = "theme-wide"
  GtkWidget::draw-border = {1,1,1,1}

style "theme-toolbar" = "theme-default"
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.2,@bg_color)

style "theme-handlebox" = "theme-default"
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.95,@bg_color)

style "theme-scale" = "theme-default"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.50,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  shade (1.90,@bg_color)

style "theme-range" = "theme-wide"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.35,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  mix(0.70, shade (1.35,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color)


  text[PRELIGHT] =  @selected_fg_color
  text[ACTIVE]   =  shade (0.30,@selected_fg_color)
  text[INSENSITIVE]   =  shade (0.60,@bg_color)

style "theme-notebook" = "theme-wider"
  bg[NORMAL] =  shade (1.10,@bg_color)
  fg[ACTIVE] =  shade (0.6,@fg_color)
  bg[ACTIVE] =  shade (0.90,@bg_color)
  bg[SELECTED] =  mix(0.70, @selected_bg_color, shade (1.10,@bg_color))

style "theme-paned" = "theme-default" {
  bg[NORMAL] =  shade (1.1,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  shade (1.2,@bg_color)

style "theme-menu" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 0
  ythickness = 0
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (1.11627907,@bg_color)
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.6,@bg_color)

style "theme-menu-item" = "theme-wider"
  fg[PRELIGHT]     =  @selected_fg_color
  text[PRELIGHT] =  @selected_fg_color

style "theme-menubar" = "theme-default" {
  bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.7,@bg_color)
style "theme-menubar-item" = "theme-menu-item" {}

style "theme-tree" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 2
  ythickness = 1

  GtkWidget::focus-padding = 0

  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.1,@bg_color)
  bg[PRELIGHT] = shade (1.75,@bg_color)
  bg[ACTIVE]   =  mix(0.65, shade (1.1,@bg_color), @selected_bg_color)


style "theme-tree-arrow" = "theme-default"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  mix(0.70, shade (0.75,@bg_color), shade (0.80,@selected_bg_color))
  bg[PRELIGHT] =  mix(0.80, @bg_color, @selected_bg_color)

style "theme-tooltips" = "theme-widest"
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (0.80,@selected_bg_color)
  fg[NORMAL]   =  @selected_fg_color

style "theme-progressbar" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 2
  ythickness = 2
  bg[NORMAL]   =  shade (1.4,@bg_color)
  fg[PRELIGHT]        = @selected_fg_color

style "theme-combo" = "theme-button" {
  GtkButton::inner-border = { 0, 1, 0, 0 }
  xthickness = 4
  ythickness = 4

style "theme-combo-box" = "theme-button" {
  xthickness = 4
  ythickness = 2

style "theme-combo-arrow" = "theme-button"
  xthickness = 1
  ythickness = 1

  text[SELECTED]      =  shade (0.8, @selected_fg_color)


style "theme-view" = "theme-default"
  xthickness = 0
  ythickness = 0

style "theme-check-radio-buttons" = "theme-button"
  GtkWidget ::interior-focus = 0
  GtkWidget::focus-padding = 1
  text[SELECTED] =  @selected_fg_color

# widget styles
class "GtkWidget"       style "theme-default"
class "GtkScale"        style "theme-scale"
class "GtkRange"        style "theme-range"
class "GtkPaned"        style "theme-paned"
class "GtkFrame"        style "theme-frame"
class "GtkMenu"         style "theme-menu"
class "GtkMenuBar"      style "theme-menubar"
class "GtkEntry"        style "theme-entry"
class "GtkProgressBar"  style "theme-progressbar"
class "GtkToolbar"      style "theme-toolbar"
class "GtkSeparator"    style "theme-wide"

widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*" style "theme-menu-item"
widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>.<GtkMenuItem>*" style "theme-menubar-item"

widget_class "*<GtkButton>"      style "theme-button"
widget_class "*<GtkCheckButton>" style  "theme-check-radio-buttons"
widget_class "*<GtkHandleBox>"   style "theme-handlebox"

widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>"    style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkEventBox>" style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>" style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>" style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkViewport>" style "theme-notebook"
widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>.GtkLabel*" style "theme-notebook" #for tabs

# combobox stuff
widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*"    style "theme-combo"
widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>*<GtkButton>"    style "theme-combo-box"
widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*" style "theme-combo"
widget_class "*<GtkSpinButton>*"    style "theme-combo"

# tooltips stuff
widget "gtk-tooltip*"  style "theme-tooltips"

# treeview stuff
widget_class "*<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>" style "theme-tree"
widget_class "*<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>"    style "theme-tree"
widget_class "*<GtkList>.<GtkButton>"    style "theme-tree"
widget_class "*<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>"    style "theme-tree"

#For arrow bg
widget_class "*<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>*<GtkArrow>" style "theme-tree-arrow"
widget_class "*<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>*<GtkArrow>"    style "theme-tree-arrow"
widget_class "*<GtkList>.<GtkButton>*<GtkArrow>"    style "theme-tree-arrow"

##  GNOME specific

widget_class "*.ETree.ECanvas"    style "theme-tree" #evolution
widget_class "*.ETable.ECanvas"    style "theme-tree" #evolution

style "panelbuttons" = "theme-button"
  # as buttons are draw lower this helps center text
  ythickness = 3

widget_class "*Panel*GtkToggleButton*" style "panelbuttons"

#nautilus search stripe and other specialties
style "extra-view" {
   bg[NORMAL] = shade(0.6,@bg_color)
   fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color

#nautilus search stripe
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" style:highest "extra-view"
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget.*.GtkLabel*" style:highest "extra-view"
widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget.*Button*.GtkLabel*" style:highest "theme-button"

Nodoka-Midnight also works nicely. :)

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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