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 Post subject: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:02 am  (#1) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14729
Location: USA
As you all know PhotoFont Start is already available in Adobe plug-in format or 8bf.
The problem is it costs way too much money to buy the software to perform the transition of image glyph to PHF font so PhotoFont Start can use them.

Well i found 3 possible answers to this dilemma.
1)- FREE
A LISP program written in 2005 by Max-Gerd Retzlaff. -
;;; photofont.lisp - A program to generate photofonts
;;; Dec 5, 2008 by Max-Gerd Retzlaff <>
;;; Version 1
;;; See for more information.
;;; The "Photofont format specification" is here:
;;; Example call:
;;;   (photofont "Teelichter256" "font-spec-256" "Teelichter256.phf" :indent nil)
;;; The font-spec file is expected to contain lines like this one:
;;; ! Teelichter-256/!_dscf5475.jpg.png
;;; (single character, a single space, filename with relative path, newline character)   

(require :xmls)
(require :cl-mime)
(require :s-base64)
(require :png) ;; cl-png

(defun png->mime (pathname)
  (with-output-to-string (mime-out)
    (let ((png (with-open-file (in pathname
                                   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
                 (with-output-to-string (out)
                   (s-base64:encode-base64 in out)))))
      (mime:print-mime mime-out
                       (make-instance 'mime:text-mime
                                      :type "image"
                                      :subtype "png"
                                      :charset "US-ASCII"
                                      :content-encoding :base64
                                      :encoding :base64
                                      :content png)
                       t nil))))
;; (png->mime "Teelichter/256/A_dscf5380.jpg.png")

(defun png-dimensions (pathname)
  (let ((png (with-open-file (in pathname
                                 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
               (png:decode in))))
    (values (png:image-width png)
            (png:image-height png))))

(defun root (children)
  (xmls:make-node :name "PhF" :attrs '(("version" "1.0"))
                  :children children))

(defun header ()
  (xmls:make-node :name "header"
                  (make-node :name "version" :attrs (xmls:make-node :name "type" :attrs "string"))
                  (make-node :name)
(defun header (fontname &key (encoding "ISO 8859- 1 Latin 1 (Western)")
                             (ascender 256)
                             (descender 51)
                             (internal-leading 77)
                             (upm 256))
  `("header" NIL ("version" (("type" "string")))
    ("family" (("type" "string")) ,fontname)
    ("full_name" (("type" "string")) ,fontname)
    ("codepage" (("type" "string")) ,(princ-to-string encoding))
    ("ascender" (("type" "int")) ,(princ-to-string ascender))
    ("descender" (("type" "int")) ,(princ-to-string descender))
    ("internal_leading" (("type" "int")) ,(princ-to-string internal-leading))
    ("upm" (("type" "int")) ,upm)))

(defun letter->id (letter)
  "More or less a bugfix, as the photofont plug-in for Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Windows),
seems to have a problem with XML encodings like \"&#xA7;\"... Otherwise I would just
use STRING."
  (let ((code (char-code letter)))
    (if (< 127 code)
        (char-name letter)
        ;; (format nil "~a+0x80" (code-char (- code 128)))
        (string letter))))

(defun mapping (letter)
  `("map" (("unc" ,(princ-to-string (char-code letter))) ("id" ,(letter->id letter)))))

(defun all-mappings (letters)
  (mapcar #'mapping letters))

(defun globals (all-mappings)
  `("globals" NIL
              ("unicode_mapping" (("subtype" "map_unicode") ("type" "array"))
;; (globals  (all-mappings (coerce "ABCDß!§$" 'list)))

(defun glyph (letter pathname)
  (multiple-value-bind (width height)
      (png-dimensions pathname)
    (let ((width-string (princ-to-string width))
          (height-string (princ-to-string height)))
      `("glyph" (("id" ,(letter->id letter)))
                ("image" (("type" "photo")
                          ("id" "v0"))
                         ("shape" (("embedded" ,(file-namestring pathname)))
                                  ("ppm" (("int" ,height-string)))
                                  ("bbox" (("height" ,height-string) ("width" ,width-string)
                                           ("y" "0") ("x" "0")))
                                  ("base" (("y" ,height-string) ("x" "0")))
                                  ("delta" (("y" "0") ("x" ,(princ-to-string (- width 2)))))))))))

(defun all-glyphs (list)
  (xmls:make-node :name "glyphs"
                  :children (mapcar (lambda (glyph-spec)
                                      (apply #'glyph glyph-spec))
(all-glyphs '((#\A #p"Teelichter/256/A_dscf5380.jpg.png")
                       (#\B #p"Teelichter/256/B_dscf5702.jpg.png")))

(defun image (pathname)
  (xmls:make-node :name "image" :attrs `(("id" ,(file-namestring pathname)))
                  :children (list (png->mime pathname))))
;; (image "Teelichter/256/A_dscf5380.jpg.png")

(defun all-images (pathnames)
  (xmls:make-node :name "data"
                  :children (list (xmls:make-node :name "photo"
                                             :children (mapcar #'image pathnames)))))
(all-images (list "Teelichter/256/A_dscf5380.jpg.png"

(defun parse-fontspec (pathname)
  (let ((glyph-specs))
    (with-open-file (file pathname)
      (do ((line (read-line file nil 'eof)
                 (read-line file nil 'eof)))
          ((eq line 'eof))
        (push  (list (elt line 0)
                     (subseq line 2))
    (nreverse glyph-specs)))

(defun generate-photofont (fontname pathname)
  (let ((glyph-specs (parse-fontspec pathname)))
    (multiple-value-bind (width height)
        (png-dimensions (second (first glyph-specs)))
        (declare (ignore height))
        (header fontname
                :ascender (princ-to-string width)
                :upm (princ-to-string width))
        (globals  (all-mappings (mapcar #'car glyph-specs)))
        (all-glyphs glyph-specs)
        (all-images (mapcar #'second glyph-specs)))))))

(defun photofont (fontname source target &key indent)
  (with-open-file (out target :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite :if-does-not-exist :create)
    (princ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>
" out)
    (xmls:write-xml (generate-photofont fontname source) out :indent indent)))
;; (photofont "Teelichter256" "font-spec-256" "Teelichter256.phf" :indent nil)
;; (princ (xmls:toxml * :indent  t))

If anyone can figure out how to use this i am all ears.

2)- NOT FREE - cost is 63 USD - formally called CoffeeCup Photo Object - no longer offered or supported by them.
Hence the reason i had to order through the parent company Hemera the original creator.
A program i found online by BMSoftware that will use a texture to fill in the font outlines and export it as an PHF font called Hemera Photo Objects. (i have ordered this and am awaiting delivery)
I ordered the 25,000 photo objects and 500 extra PHF texture version ...see what that looks like later.
Here is the CoffeCup version TRIAL only so it has 10 textures and no PHF export.

3)- FREE (if i ever release it)
My own version of a Photofont program which consists only of a PHF/XML file.
My aim is to be able to take this one PHF file and drop it into your image glyph folder and run the PhotoFont installer through the 8bf within Gimp.
I have gotten the TEST phf to install..however it can not find the images i have referenced.
I have all my TEST glyphs in a directory in C under grassy.
ie... F:///C:/grassy/image.png
This is how i am trying to reference them but it doesn't seem to work.The error keeps telling me PhotoFont Start can not install as the font file is invalid.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<PhF version="1.0">

  <version type="string"></version>
  <family type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD4</family>
  <full_name type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD4</full_name>
  <codepage type="string">MS Windows 1252 Western (ANSI)</codepage>
  <ascender type="int">443</ascender>
  <descender type="int">96</descender>
  <internal_leading type="int">107</internal_leading>
  <upm type="int">480</upm>

  <unicode_mapping type="array" subtype="map_unicode">
   <map id="A" unc="65" />
   <map id="B" unc="66" />
   <map id="C" unc="67" />
   <map id="D" unc="68" />
   <map id="E" unc="69" />
   <map id="F" unc="70" />
   <map id="G" unc="71" />
   <map id="a" unc="97" />
   <map id="b" unc="98" />
   <map id="c" unc="99" />
   <map id="d" unc="100" />
   <map id="e" unc="101" />
   <map id="f" unc="102" />
   <map id="g" unc="103" />

  <glyph id="A">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="B">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="C">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="D">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="341" height="398" />
     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="E">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="F">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="G">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />

  <glyph id="a">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="b">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="c">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="d">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="341" height="398" />
     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="e">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="f">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="g">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href=”file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png">
   <shape embedded="file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />







If i use this one it installs but no images are located.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<PhF version="1.0">

  <version type="string"></version>
  <family type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD8</family>
  <full_name type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD8</full_name>
  <codepage type="string">MS Windows 1252 Western (ANSI)</codepage>
  <ascender type="int">443</ascender>
  <descender type="int">96</descender>
  <internal_leading type="int">107</internal_leading>
  <upm type="int">480</upm>

  <unicode_mapping type="array" subtype="map_unicode">
   <map id="A" unc="65" />
   <map id="B" unc="66" />
   <map id="C" unc="67" />
   <map id="D" unc="68" />
   <map id="E" unc="69" />
   <map id="F" unc="70" />
   <map id="G" unc="71" />
   <map id="a" unc="97" />
   <map id="b" unc="98" />
   <map id="c" unc="99" />
   <map id="d" unc="100" />
   <map id="e" unc="101" />
   <map id="f" unc="102" />
   <map id="g" unc="103" />

  <glyph id="A">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="B">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="C">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="D">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="341" height="398" />
     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="E">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="F">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="G">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />

  <glyph id="a">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="b">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="c">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="d">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="341" height="398" />
     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="e">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="f">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="g">
   <image id="Version-2" type="photo">
    <shape id="file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />







Here is the code if someone can tell me how to get the xml to reference the image glyph locations i would be most greatfull.
According to PHF specifications a embedded image in the data>photo>image area of the xml doc isnt needed IF the images are referenced like this.
<image href="F:///C:/grassy/image.png">

So i am stuck there. :\

It would be nice to get this to work so everyone would have a FREE resource to make transparency supported PHF glyphs.
Not everyone can afford 499 dollars to be able to do it.
Bitfonter has informed a few of us at Filter Forge - ... 2#postform that they may release a online RENTABLE service for just making or converting glyphs to PHF bitmap fonts.Still not FREE like i would like to see. :)

So any help would be appreciated.

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:33 am  (#2) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14729
Location: USA
Is this the tag i am looking for?
<imgop type="file">... </imgop>

This xml tag Loads an image from a file. The file can be specified using a local path, or through either an http:// or ftp:// URL. This operation can not contain any other nodes.

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:12 pm  (#3) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14729
Location: USA
I thought i had it correct. :( - failed again
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<PhF version="1.0">

  <version type="string"></version>
  <family type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD12</family>
  <full_name type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD12</full_name>
  <codepage type="string">MS Windows 1252 Western (ANSI)</codepage>
  <ascender type="int">443</ascender>
  <descender type="int">96</descender>
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   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
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     <delta x="444" y="0" />

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   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/UVWX.png">
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   <image id="v0" type="photo">
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  <glyph id="a">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/ABCD.png">
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   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/EFGH.png">
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     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="c">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/IJKL.png">
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     <base x="-25" y="410" />
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  <glyph id="d">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
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     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="e">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="f">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="g">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />







I thought for sure this was the problem... :hoh
   <shape bitmap_placement="/grassy/ABCD.png">

Crap i even tried
   <shape bitmap_placement="../grassy/ABCD.png">

According to the dev site at this is the correct tag for non embedded images.
I am stumped. :roll:

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:12 pm  (#4) 
GimpChat Member
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Posts: 14729
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Dev site link

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:24 pm  (#5) 
Script Coder
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Joined: Oct 25, 2010
Posts: 4758
Rod wrote:
Is this the tag i am looking for?
<imgop type="file">... </imgop>

This xml tag Loads an image from a file. The file can be specified using a local path, or through either an http:// or ftp:// URL. This operation can not contain any other nodes.

If it takes "ftp:" or "http:" URLs it is likely expecting a "file:" URL. To get the right URL, start your Firefox/Chrome/Whatever, "File/Open", navigate to your image, and open the image in the browser. The URL bar of your browser now contains the right URL.


 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:05 pm  (#6) 
GimpChat Member
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Posts: 14729
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Thanks for your response Ofnuts.
I tried many different variations and still it doesn't recognize the file as a valid phf file.
According to Komodo my xml editor there are no mistakes in the xml document.
Here is what i got so far.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<PhF version="1.0">

  <version type="string"></version>
  <family type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD12</family>
  <full_name type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD12</full_name>
  <codepage type="string">MS Windows 1252 Western (ANSI)</codepage>
  <ascender type="int">443</ascender>
  <descender type="int">96</descender>
  <internal_leading type="int">107</internal_leading>
  <upm type="int">480</upm>

  <unicode_mapping type="array" subtype="map_unicode">
   <map id="A" unc="65" />
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   <map id="C" unc="67" />
   <map id="D" unc="68" />
   <map id="E" unc="69" />
   <map id="F" unc="70" />
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   <map id="b" unc="98" />
   <map id="c" unc="99" />
   <map id="d" unc="100" />
   <map id="e" unc="101" />
   <map id="f" unc="102" />
   <map id="g" unc="103" />

  <glyph id="A">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png</imgop>
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="B">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png</imgop>   
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="C">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="D">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="341" height="398" />
     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="E">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="F">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="G">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />

  <glyph id="a">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="b">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="c">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="d">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="341" height="398" />
     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="e">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="f">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png</imgop>     
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="g">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <imgop type="file">file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png</imgop>   
    <shape bitmap_placement="file:///C:/grassy/YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />







Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:49 pm  (#7) 
Script Coder
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Joined: Oct 25, 2010
Posts: 4758
Looking at their standard it seems quite simple. To refer to an image file, it's a relative path (relative to the PHF file or course) in the bitmap_placement attribute, so it should be as simple as:
<shape bitmap_placement="ABCD.png">

if you keep the PHF and the PNG's in the same directory.


 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:13 am  (#8) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14729
Location: USA
That is what i thought also.
So i tried that yesterday and got a error that it was not a valid font...However after i took out the image tags from the DATA structure it installed.But no images load. So now i have it as this...

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<PhF version="1.0">

  <version type="string"></version>
  <family type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD12</family>
  <full_name type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD12</full_name>
  <codepage type="string">MS Windows 1252 Western (ANSI)</codepage>
  <ascender type="int">443</ascender>
  <descender type="int">96</descender>
  <internal_leading type="int">107</internal_leading>
  <upm type="int">480</upm>

  <unicode_mapping type="array" subtype="map_unicode">
   <map id="A" unc="65" />
   <map id="B" unc="66" />
   <map id="C" unc="67" />
   <map id="D" unc="68" />
   <map id="E" unc="69" />
   <map id="F" unc="70" />
   <map id="G" unc="71" />
   <map id="a" unc="97" />
   <map id="b" unc="98" />
   <map id="c" unc="99" />
   <map id="d" unc="100" />
   <map id="e" unc="101" />
   <map id="f" unc="102" />
   <map id="g" unc="103" />

  <glyph id="A">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="B">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="C">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="D">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="341" height="398" />
     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="E">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="F">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
   <shape bitmap_placement="UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="G">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />

  <glyph id="a">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="b">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="c">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="d">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="MNOP.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="341" height="398" />
     <base x="-30" y="393" />
     <delta x="396" y="0" />

  <glyph id="e">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="QRST.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="327" height="419" />
     <base x="-30" y="414" />
     <delta x="386" y="0" />

  <glyph id="f">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="UVWX.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="295" height="413" />
     <base x="-30" y="408" />
     <delta x="340" y="0" />

  <glyph id="g">
   <image id="v0" type="photo">
    <shape bitmap_placement="YZ.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="379" height="413" />
     <base x="-25" y="408" />
     <delta x="430" y="0" />







I wonder if it still needs a reference to the images in the data structure?

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:33 am  (#9) 
GimpChat Member
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Joined: May 16, 2010
Posts: 14729
Location: USA
This installs but no images
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<PhF version="1.0">

  <version type="string"></version>
  <family type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD13</family>
  <full_name type="string">Grassy-Vine_RD13</full_name>
  <codepage type="string">MS Windows 1252 Western (ANSI)</codepage>
  <ascender type="int">443</ascender>
  <descender type="int">96</descender>
  <internal_leading type="int">107</internal_leading>
  <upm type="int">480</upm>

  <unicode_mapping type="array" subtype="map_unicode">
   <map id="A" unc="65" />
   <map id="B" unc="66" />
   <map id="C" unc="67" />
   <map id="D" unc="68" />
   <map id="E" unc="69" />
   <map id="F" unc="70" />
   <map id="G" unc="71" />
   <map id="a" unc="97" />
   <map id="b" unc="98" />
   <map id="c" unc="99" />
   <map id="d" unc="100" />
   <map id="e" unc="101" />
   <map id="f" unc="102" />
   <map id="g" unc="103" />

  <glyph id="A">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href="ABCD.png">
    <shape bitmap_placement="ABCD.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="20" y="-5" width="404" height="403" />
     <base x="-20" y="398" />
     <delta x="444" y="0" />

  <glyph id="B">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href="EFGH.png">
    <shape bitmap_placement="EFGH.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="30" y="-5" width="337" height="393" />
     <base x="-30" y="388" />
     <delta x="393" y="0" />

  <glyph id="C">
   <image id="v0" type="photo" href="IJKL.png">
    <shape bitmap_placement="IJKL.png">
     <ppm int="480" />
     <bbox x="25" y="-5" width="357" height="415" />
     <base x="-25" y="410" />
     <delta x="405" y="0" />

  <glyph id="D">
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So now i am trying
   <image id="v0" type="photo" src="YZ.png">

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:45 am  (#10) 
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That installed but still no images. I know i am getting close. :)
I wonder if i need the full href="file:///C:/../ABCD.png" path for the image tag?

That installed but still no image glyphs.

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:14 pm  (#11) 
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I have found the original location of the installed PHF file.The 8bf plug-in calls the PHF from UserNameFolder>My Documents>Photofonts.
So i tried placing the glyph images in there and still it installs but no image recognition.

So now the 8bf recognizes the xml/phf code as a font but can not find the images to make them show up in PhotoFont Start.

It must have something to do with the location reference in the code.Because i can install the test phf file and the 8bf acts like they are there as i type.No errors within the plug-in at all. It's just the images do not appear.

Maybe it does find the images and i am missing something else.Some other tag the code needs?

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:38 pm  (#12) 
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Isn't 8bf a photoshop extention Rod? I tried installing a plug-in with that ext. into Fedora and it wouldn't recognize it.


 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:18 pm  (#13) 
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8bf can be used in GIMP too Molly but you have to have PSPI.exe installed and does not ship with GIMP. For a long time it only worked for Windows but they finally ported it for Linux too (but I believe you still have to have WINE installed). :)


Psalm 109:8


 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:38 pm  (#14) 
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Okay thanks Lyle, I didn't know that. I don't have WINE, just Fedora 16.


 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:16 pm  (#15) 
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pspi does indeed need Wine. see

You will see that it is now old, the compiled binaries are for Ubuntu 5 & Fedora 5
I used to have it working in Mepis a couple of years ago but with each newer version of Gimp it became more and more flakey. Maybe does not work with gimp 2.6.12

You will find WINE (W ine Is N o E mulator - one of those circular acronyms that linux loves) in the Fedora add/remove applications. It permits *some* Windows applictions to run in linux.

Useful for say, xnview and the shell-out script which will allow use of some .8bf ps plugins.

When it comes to that pesky photofont .8bf, I have that running in a virtual winxp machine with no problem. But with PS7 under WINE, it steadfastly refuses to load the font files, gives an error along the lines of 'can't find some files' I assume it means the font files installed in 'my documents etc' which are installed or it could be a .dll missing.


 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:17 pm  (#16) 
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lylejk wrote:
For a long time it only worked for Windows but they finally ported it for Linux too (but I believe you still have to have WINE installed). :)
You have a strange definition of "port" :)


 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:22 pm  (#17) 
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I agree, last time I checked my freshman year notes the definition of porting was essentially taking a working software from one OS and translating it to work without the need for external components(such as .dlls or the like from Win) or virtual mirrors of the existing OS on to another OS.
Like from Win to Linux to Mac.
Am I correct in this thought or was my initial teaching outdated like most students and what they learn today?


"In the face of adversity, there's three things: fly, freeze or fight; We're choosing to fight..."- Guy Boucher, Tampa Bay Lighting Head Coach

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:30 pm  (#18) 
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OK; hacked via some modifications so that it will work with WINE then. lol

Jeeze. lol

Just remember that PSPI was originally compiled for Windows; used it even in the GIMP 1.x days (if my memory isn't failing me; lol). Only a few years ago did Linux have the ability to use PSPI. PSPI itself, I don't believe, is GNU so GIMP can't include it in it's install. Still happy for Tor's work in this; just wish he or anyone else could update it to be more compatible, but beggars can't be choosy. Using and external surrogate is the better solution and most (if not all) of them still requires WINE. :)


Psalm 109:8


 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 9:00 pm  (#19) 
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Getting back on topic....
I've a feeling i may have to ask Fontlab how this is done. :)
They state on their website it CAN be shows you how to do it.
I followed all their steps, but apparently i missed something.

Edmund Burke nailed it when he said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

 Post subject: Re: PhotoFont program for Gimp
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:11 pm  (#20) 
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Hey Rod let me see the latest code. Or is the latest code the one in the previous posts.


"In the face of adversity, there's three things: fly, freeze or fight; We're choosing to fight..."- Guy Boucher, Tampa Bay Lighting Head Coach

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